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"How are the preparations coming?" Renjun asks when he walks into his office to see Jisung printing flyers. He smiles tightly.
"Good we are almost ready. I printed flyers for the half off specials too." Renjun smiles softly and walks to him before engulfing him in a bone crushing hug.
"Thank you. I'm glad you are doing this. I knew you would get things done." Jisung scoffs. He finishes stacking his papers neatly and heads toward the door before stopping midway.

"Is it selfish that this whole situation has made me think of Chenle and how much it would kill me if it were him?" Renjun smiles softly.
"Not selfish at all. I think everyone in these types of situations go through similar thoughts. It makes you look at what you have and helps you to appreciate how precious every minute is that we spend with our loved ones." Renjun hugs him again.
"I just asked Haechan to move in with me for that very reason." He says softly. Jisung scoffs.
"Wasn't he already?" Renjun rolls his eyes.
"Well, I mean yeah but now it will be official."
Renjun watches the door slowly shut as Jisung walks out, but before it closes all the way his head pops in.
"Congratulations by the way. It's nice to see you two happy." He says sweetly making Renjun coo.
"Thank you Jisungie."

They all work harder in the first three days after hearing the news, than they ever have. They have brainstormed and planned for three different fundraisers and a few impromptu specials that they will give proceeds to the pair. Today is the first day of the first of many promotions. Anyone who buys a mint chocolate latte gets a free pastry of their choosing. So far it is going well. They have almost sold out by noon and when word got out why they are doing the fundraisers people were paying more than what was asked in most cases. They are all great full and amazed at how caring and supportive their community is.

By the end of the day everyone is exhausted Renjun pulled a double today but only after agreeing that Haechan will too. This isn't going to happen a lot, Mark's shifts are shared equally among all of them but since today was the first fundraiser he wanted to be there for everything.

Haechan is tired and a bit sad. Every time he works a long shift like this, it takes him back to that place. He feels the weight of Renjun working all those extra shifts to cover for him and he feels extreme sadness and guilt. When Renjun comes out from the office with keys in hand he immediately senses this and opens his arms. Haechan smiles softly and goes to him, he holds him tightly and cuddles into his neck.
"Everything I did was out of love for you, you don't need to feel bad about it. It isn't your fault that I over did it. Please stop feeling guilt. Let's put the past behind us now and live in the moment." He kisses him on the lips and pulls away with a small smile.
"Every moment I'm with you is precious to me, let's live them happily." He says softly. Haechan chuckles airily as a smile spreads.
"God I love you." He says before he smashes their lips together.

Everyday he finds yet another thing to love about Renjun and today was no exception.
"You are amazing, you know that right?" Renjun gets a little pink in the cheeks as he looks down.
"I mean It. The way you are handling this Mark and Yuta situation. The fundraisers, all that you do for everyone even down to talking sense into me yet again. I'm surprised sometimes how you put up with me." Renjun giggles and looks at him with soft eyes.
"I love you so much Haechanie. I'll be here forever to talk sense into you." Haechan makes a cute face.
"Forever, I love the sound of that." Renjun smiles and pulls him toward the door.

On the drive to his place Renjun is cuddled into his side sleepily. Haechan sings quietly with the radio and Renjun loves these moments so much. Not only does his boyfriend have the perfect voice but the calming atmosphere centers him and calms his troubled heart. Renjun feels things deeply just like Haechan does so thinking about Mark and Yuta's situation all day takes it's toll. He can only imagine how draining this is for the two of them.
As he leans his head on his lover's shoulder he clears his mind while listening to the pretty sounds coming from his mouth. The words he is singing at the moment don't even matter.

When they arrive Renjun sighs. Sometimes the drive is just too short. They head up hand in hand. When they get inside and set their things down Renjun grabs him and starts pulling him toward his room.
"Do you want any food Renjun, baby?" He asks knowing he's really sleepy.
"I want you. Make love to me." He says surprising the other. Haechan wastes no time as he spins him and locks lips as he helps to undress him.
"I thought you were sleepy." He says as Renjun starts biting his neck. He stops and looks him in the eye.
"I'm tired, yes, but I need you tonight."

Haechan can tell that Renjun is craving more. He can feel that this is more than just about physical pleasure but also an emotional connection. He slows himself down and takes his time to give Renjun exactly what he needs. They kiss slow and soft, their hands gently exploring the other in such a way that feels almost new. He pulls Renjun closer by his hips and presses himself to him. His hands slide around and cup his bottom as he holds him in place. He gently guides him back to the bed and hovers over him, kissing him softly. Renjun moans when he finally grinds down onto him, then something comes over him and he pushes Haechan onto his back and straddles him.

Haechan is going crazy with this new dominance that the other is showing. He's got him pinned to the mattress, no words coming from his lips as he works on Haechan's skin, marking it as he goes.
"Oh fuck, Junie. Do that again." Haechan practically moans out. Renjun quickly flicks his tongue across his tip again as his hands start boldly exploring places he has never ventured on his body.
"I'm all yours tonight. Do what you want." Haechan says anticipating being the bottom tonight.
Renjun crawls up and gets in his face.
"Are you sure? Because I really want to fuck you right now." Haechan moans.
"Please, fuck me?" He begs. Renjun kisses him hard and goes down to his nipples and flicks them around while his hand is already between his legs, poking around the new territory.

He crawls down and pushes Haechan's legs up to start licking and poking inside.
"Oh, yes. So good baby fuck, don't stop." He pushes his finger in slowly and watches it disappear. It's so fucking sexy.
"I'll cum just watching you fuck my fingers at this rate." Renjun says making Haechan chuckle.
He adds two more at once and slams them in, watching his boyfriend come undone under him. He scissors him and licks his cock while his fingers are busy inside him.
"I can't wait Haechanie, I need you now." He says as he's losing his mind.
"I'm ready baby, so ready." Renjun nods and starts to align himself. He pauses, nerves kicking in.
"Go Junie, please?" Haechan begs and confidence or not Renjun wants to make him happy.

He starts slow but as the pleasure intensifies he builds up speed. He carefully watches Haechan's face for signs of discomfort and maybe slightly just to see if he can tell if he really is enjoying it. Yeah he may have some self esteem issues or maybe he just wants to please the love of his life.

Haechan moans underneath his lover, he's feeling euphoric. In all the times they've had sex he's never been a bottom and he's loving every second of it. He's glad Renjun finally found his confidence to switch roles. He loves either role he has with Renjun and he's glad he gets to feel and see both sides of him.
He screams out as Renjun pounds into him and finds just the right spot.
"Fuck, it's coming. I'm going to cum." Renjun leans forward and kisses him hotly on the mouth as he finds his release inside him, in time with Haechan.

"I Don't know what got into you but I love it." Haechan says as they lay cuddled together.
"I did ok?" He asks, tracing patterns on his chest.
"You did perfect." They kiss softly and neither feel the need to eat tonight as they fall asleep peacefully in each other's arms.

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