Chapter 1

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Y/N Y/L/N was your typical college professor. When he graduated college at the top of his class he got a job offer at Brown University as a Junior Lecturer with the hopes of gaining his Professor title teaching Literature.

Leigh went on to a local college and wanted to become a writer and that was where she met her late husband. She also worked at her mothers studio Beautiful Beasts as a dancercise instructor.

When Leigh had came home from a coffee date with Drew she saw her mum in the living room having a coffee with Y/M/N.

"Hi?" She greeted them both unsurely.

"Leigh darling, how nice it is to see you dear." Y/M/N greeted the widow who gave her a smile.

"Y/M/N was just telling me that Y/N is flying in to spend the holidays with us." Amy told her as Leigh started to get nervous. They both hadn't seen each other since he left for college. He got accepted into Yale and it was an opportunity he just couldn't pass up.

"Wow is been over 10 years since I last saw him." Leigh said as she sat in a chair.

"I know. I remember how you both used to be inseparable." Amy said with a smile.

"I know. They were joined at the hip." Y/M/N smiled at the memories of the pair as small children.

"When will he be here?" She asked them.

"He isn't landing until later on tonight. He has one last lecture before school finishes." Y/M/N informed them both. "Y/D/N is picking him up."

"He doesn't visit you that much anymore does he?" Amy asked her as she just shook her head no.

"Not since he met Lizzie." She told them.

"Who's Lizzie?" Leigh asked intrigued.

"She is Y/N's girlfriend. She's one of those posh totties born with a silver spoon in her mouth." She told them as Amy giggled and Leigh decided to excuse herself to go and lay down. But she didn't. She ended up stalking through Y/N's instagram. She noticed there were pictures of him with a beautiful blonde but they stopped a year ago. When she looked into his relationship status, she noticed that it stated single. She felt a weight being lifted off of her chest. She remembered he was always a handsome boy but seeing his recent pictures she can definitely say that time has been kind to him.

She was looking forward to seeing him again but she was nervous. She hasn't felt this nervous since her wedding day. She spent most of the afternoon contemplating on seeing if he wanted to go out for a drink and to catch up.

When the time came, she got herself showered and ready to go and see him. She had missed him this past decade. He was her best friend when they were growing up and her protector. She checked the time and saw that it was just after 8pm and she knew that he would be home now.

She ran down her path excitedly and knocked on the Y/L/N's. She waited there patiently for someone to answer it. She smiled when she saw Y/N.

"Leigh?" He asked with a growing smile as she nodded at him.

"It's been so long." She whispered before he pulled her in for a hug. She missed the feeling of safety in his arms. "So we should go get drinks and catch up." She smirked at him.

"I uh I can't." He said nervously. The one thing he was ashamed of was when he was an alcoholic. It almost caused him to lose his job after he dived into the comfort of the drink after losing his best friend in a car accident.

"Uh ok then." She said defeated. She was about to walk away when he stopped her.

"But would you like to come inside for a coffee or tea. Which ever you prefer." He smiled at her as she nodded. He opened the door for her as she stepped inside. She smiled since the place hadn't changed in years. "Mum and Dad have gone out for their weekly date night so it is just us." Leigh noticed the absence of  alcohol too but she didn't question since she knows what it's like to live with a recovering alcoholic.

"Do you not drink anymore?" She asked him. "I remember those high school parties and you used to be a veteran."

"I'm not that guy anymore." He said quietly. "That is someone that I won't be again." She was confused as to why he was saying this.

"What happened in these years Y/N?" She asked him as he sighed before looking at her left hand and noticed the ring on her finger.

"Never mind me, what about you? Will I get to meet the lucky guy." He asked her cheerfully as she gulped as she played with the ring.

"Uhm Matt he uh he died 3 years ago." She told him and his whole body went cold.

"I'm sorry I had no idea." He told her softly as she waved him off.

"You weren't to know. We fell out of touch." She told him with a smile.

"It wasn't just you Leigh. I hadn't spoken to my parents in a long time through my dark days." He told her. She shot up to gaze at him as he sighed thinking the best way to put it. "I uh I lost someone close to me and I uh I drank myself to a stupor. I would drink until I would pass out every night just to feel nothing and then his sister helped me through it. She took me to meetings, cleared out the alcohol from my apartment. She saved me and she will always be important to me."

"Lizzie, your ex right?" She asked him.

"She isn't my ex. She is my best friend. She helped me get back to me and I will be forever grateful to her." He told her as she nodded with a smile.

"Can I ask what happened to your friend." She asked him as he shook his head.

"That is a story for another time." He told her as he finished his coffee. "I wanna learn who this new Leigh is." She smiled at his sassiness as he leant on his hands like a teenage girl wanting the gossip.

"There's not much to say really, I met Matt at a college party and we got to talking and one thing led to another. We fell in love and got married but I don't think he stayed in love with me." She said as she remembered Nina. Matt's colleague.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that alone. I'm sorry I wasn't here for you." He whispered as she shook her head.

"It's not your fault. You were clearly dealing with your own shit." She told him as he shook his head.

"No. I was supposed to be your best friend. Someone you can count on and I wasn't." He told her. She gave up on telling him it was ok because she remembers how stubborn he is. He walked around and pulled her into him and just held her.

"So did you actually have a girlfriend or?" She asked him, getting the conversation away from the sadness.

"Yeah, Nicole. I thought we had something but then the accident happened and she didn't want to be with someone who was broken." He told her as she gave him a sad smile.

"I had that with Danny. Matt's brother." She stated as he raised his eye brows at her. "It's a long story."

"Hey, I am here for the holidays so I have time." He smirked at her making her chuckle.

"Well that's a story for another day but I have work in the morning." She told him as she stood up. He walked her to the door and walked her to her door. "You do realise you didn't have to walk me here?" She smirked at him.

"You never know what can happen." He shrugged. "So I guess I will see you around." He told her as she nodded her head. He watched as she walked inside as she watched him through the window. She couldn't help the smile on her face as she walked to her room. Her best friend is back home for the holidays.


The first chapter of my christmas fic for you guys. Let me know what you think.
I will be concentrating on this one more to get it finished for christmas guys. I hope you enjoy it

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