Chapter 3

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You never truly expect to see true beauty

Y/N decided that he was going to see if Leigh wanted to take a walk through the hiking trail. He knows that she feels bad for how she acted and she just wanted him in her life like when they were in high school.

He knocked on the Shaw residence early anx waited for someone to answer. Leigh was the one who answered it looking all dishevelled and tired.

"It's so early Y/N." She told him as he just smiled at her.

"Come on. Get ready and put on sone walking boots." He told her she scowled at him. "We are going on a hike." He told her and she huffed knowing that he was set in his ways. He smirked at how obedient she was as she walked up to her room. He stayed in the living room and saw a picture of Leigh with a man on the fireplace.

"That's Matt." She said as she stood beside him.

"You looked so happy together." He told her as she smiled at him.

"We were." She smiled. "But that is in the past now." She said as she led him outside. "So about this hike. Should we leave now."

"Yes we should." He smiled as they took her car to the hiking trail. This was something that they both used to do in high school. Especially when they both started to rebel a little.

"So who is Lizzie to you?" Leigh askdd him as they walked together.

"She is one of my closest friends." He told her. "She is Luke's sister."

"Luke was your best friend right." She stated as he confirmed with a nod.

"She was there for me when I needed someone the most. In New York I only had Luke and Lizzie and their family. It had been so long since I had spoke to you so I uh I chickened out." He told her as they walked up the trail through the trees.

"Why didn't we hear about the accident?" She asked him as he chuckled lightly.

"I haven't gotten an emergency contact. I didn't see the point since my family is all the way at the other side of the country." He told her as she glared at him

"That doesn't mean that your family didn't deserve to know." She told him sternly as she stopped walking.

"It was my decision. I lived and he didn't so." He told her as he turned to face her fully.

"But what if you did. What would that have done to your parents. Your mum would die. You know how much she loves you." She told him sternly.

"I know. It's messed up but it happened. I can't go back and change it because if I could I would have let him drive that day." He told her. Her heart breaking at the guilt he carries around with him. "I should have let him drive."

"Y/N." Leigh whispered as he looked at his feet. He was spiraling and the one person who he trusted to help him was in New York and he was here alone. "Y/N." Leigh spoke loudly  trying to get his attention. She stepped forward and cupped his face making him look in her eyes. When his eyes found hers, he saw the girl he fell for all of those years ago. He started to calm down as he saw everything through her eyes. He saw his whole life and future. He saw her in his future. "Are you ok?" She asked him concerned.

"I'll be fine. Thank you." He whispered before they continued their walk. He remembered how he felt when they were kids but she never shown signs that the feelings were reciprocated so he buried them deep and tried to move on. He tried by even moving away and it proved that she never felt the same since she met her late husband at college.

When they reached the bottom, Leigh leaned against her car with a sigh.

"My feet are fucking sore. I hate you." She smirked at Y/N who just laughed.

"I did tell you to wear walking boots." He told her as she shook her head with a chuckle as she unlocked the car.

"Let's go get some donuts." She said as they both got in. Y/N put on The Rasmus from their early teens. "I remember this song." Leigh smiled as she drove through LA.

"This was practically your I Hate Mum song." He laughed as he remembered. "You would put this on full volume whenever you and your mum had an argument."

"I remember. Those arguments were stupid though." She laughed at the memories.

They both walked into the donut shop laughing and joking. They both ordered their donuts and then had a fight about who was paying. Y/N only won because Leigh was distracted by Danny approaching her.

"Leigh." He greeted her coldly. "You move on quick." He said as he looked Y/N up and down.

"I am her best friend actually." Y/N corrected him. "I live in New York so I am just visiting."

"That's why we never met." He sneered as Leigh was becoming uncomfortable.

"So who are you?" Y/N asked him.

"I am her husband's brother slash ex if you can call me that." He told Y/N.

"Then why are you approaching her?" He asked Danny who scoffed.

"It is a free country." Danny sneered. "And I wanted to talk to her."

"Just leave me alone Danny." She asked him quietly which Y/N noticed her change.

"You told me to give you time and I gave you time. So I deserve to know what is happening between us." He told her sternly.

"Nothing is happening between us." She told him before she walked out. Danny went to follow her but Y/N stopped him.

"Listen, I don't know what happened between you two but she is the most important person in my life. So I suggest you leave her alone." He told Danny who just scoffed.

"You might want to be careful. She would only use you." He sneered.

"Don't you ever speak about her like that." Y/N told him in disgust before he followed Leigh to her car. She was sat in the passenger side so Y/N got in the drivers side and decided to drive to the beach.

"Why are we here?" She asked as they got out of the car.

"I thought you could use some peace." He smiled at her as they both walked along the beach. "You know the quiet and the sound of the waves. Maybe help clear your mind."

"You used to bring me here whenever I used to have panic attacks." She whispered with a smile at the memory. "You were the only one who knew how to calm me." She smiled as they walked with their arms linked. She missed this. She missed her best friend and she never realised just how much until he came home. "I've missed you." She whispered as she turned to face him. She had butterflies in her stomach and she was confused. She only ever felt them with Matt..

"I'm sorry I never reached out to you." He told her softly as he cupped her cheeks.

"I'm sorry too." She whispered before he pulled her in for a hug. She felt some disapointment but there wasn't much she could do. She didn't want to scare him away and he will be going home too. So it would be stupid of her to be attached to him like this.

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