How To Tell If You're Obsessed

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For Halloween, you wear latex gloves smeared with the stuff inside glow sticks.

You use your "invisibility" during new moons by wearing black, hiding behind trees, and scaring the heck out of people.

After reading The Revenge of Seven, you "test out" your telekinetic powers.

You bring all five books to school. In your already-overflowing backpack and arms every. Single. Day.

You succeed in/attempt drawing fan art of your favorite scenes for HOURS on end.

When you're trying to ask out the girl/guy you like, you wonder if they like the Lorien Legacies. Then you wonder whether or not, if they do, you should write them a note saying, "I'll be your John if you'll be my Sarah." Or vice versa.

Your role model is a character from the books. Who's your role model? Comment?

You compare the people in your class to characters from the Lorien Legacies.

When you see a wilting flower, you try to revive it with your "powers".

Every time you see a lake, you think of Marina and Eight. Then you promptly begin bawling your eyes out as your friends fuss over you and ask what's wrong.

You can't ever bring yourself to try a Chicago-style hot dog.

You blush and giggle every time you see a Skimmer-style boat.

At parties, instead of Harry Potter or Percy Jackson characters, you change all your friend's contacts to Lorics.

Looking at clouds during storms, you find yourself constantly looking for a 90-year-old man's face.

It is your life's purpose to stand on the roof of the John Hancock building.

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