I Wonder...

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I wonder how Six pranks everybody on April Fool's day.

I wonder what Emily's reaction will be when she sees Sam with Six.

I wonder if the Garde will ever have a prank war with their Legacies.

I wonder if John is actually Pittacus Lore.

I wonder what Sarah will do when/if she finds out that John and Six kissed.

I wonder if Ella and Nine will actually end up together.

I wonder why Nine was so stupid as to give the seven/six/ten/eleven-year-old champagne.

I wonder if my friend will believe me if I tape a picture of the cover of The Fate of Ten to a regular book/Lorien Legacies book and tell him I ordered it off of Amazon.

I wonder if that same friend will ever totally forgive me for doing something almost exactly the same as that to him :(

I wonder WHY IT TAKES SO DARN LONG TO WRITE A BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I'm ranting at YOU, Pittacus!)

I wonder why Ella didn't stab Setrakus Ra in the heart at the first chance she had.

I wonder how people read the Lorien Legacies and don't get obsessed.

I wonder why Five had to break our hearts and crush our souls.

I wonder why Ella doesn't use her telekinesis to keep everyone on the Anubis away from her sothat she can escape.

I wonder when Sam will use his telekinesis to prank Six or something.

I wonder what Marina's favorite food/dish to cook is.

I wonder how the heck Nine got a name like Stanley. (To all you Stanleys out there, especially the flat ones, I apologize for judging your name.)

I wonder why it's called The Revenge of Seven when Marina does almost nothing revenge-y. She did all the foot-impaling and eye-poking-out in the last book!

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