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Hi, sorry, I haven't updated in a while...writers block and stuff. It stinks. But now, ONWARD!

So, I admit it. I have issues with the series. Stuff I just...i can't get past.

Starting with...

I thought that there was too much romance in the first book. I mean, I'm a sucker for romance, but enough is enough!

When Eight died, I thought...I thought it could have been a bit more romantic. I mean, he reaches toward Marina and says, "I-". She couldn't have run towards him, held his head in her lap while he said that he loved her and they kissed one last time? Is that too much to ask? I cried, but I wanted to sob!

Nine and Marina should have had some deep, philosophical conversation about Eight and how Marina wholeheartedly forgives Nine or something like that.

I though that Five and Ella could have connected a wee bit more. Just a tad.

Sometimes, the writing gets overly descriptive and drags on a bit.

Issues of your own? Comment below or messages me! Sorry its short, but thx for reading! Comment and vote! ~Anna

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