Horrible Plot Twists/Headcannons

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Let's just imagine what would happen to the series if these nightmares happen or happened

Eight always preferred Six

Five is in love with John (but John loves Sarah, so that made Five even more evil) *shudder*

Ella was always evil

Sarah will betray them for real

Another Garde is also evil

Marina commits suicide because she wants to be with Eight (sorry if this is a bit dark or offensive to anyone)

Eight isn't really dead, but gets hijacked (kinda like Peeta in Mockingjay) and thinks that all the Garde are bad

The Mogs win (nononononononononononononononononononononononononono plz no)

Sam doesn't really have powers

The nuns at Marina's convent were working for Mogs and monitoring her and her Legacies

The chimaera on the second ship are on the Mogs' side

Sorry I haven't updated in a while...I'm a horrible person! *gasps dramatically* Anyway, what are your LL nightmares? Post below! Don't forget to comment and vote! ~Anna :)

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