Navrina Drabble #1

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First of all, I just want to say that Navrina is like my FAVORITE ship in the Lorien Legacies. IDK why I just said that, but...oh well. This takes place...mmm...oh, let's say a random time in the Rise of Nine, but...they're already at the JHC...or...something? A bunch of stuff is out of order, because...because I felt like it!


"Marina? Marina! Wake up! Are you alive?" I hear, snapping me out of my daydream.

It's Six...I think we have training now or something. As for my daydream, well, what else would it be about besides Eight? Eight...I think this crush is getting out of hand for me. Eight is ALL I think about, all the time. The worst part is that I don't know if he likes me back, and I am NOT anywhere near asking him if he likes me.

"Yeah, Six? Sorry, um...daydream." I mutter.

Six just looks at me with a face like she knows exactly what I was thinking about. This better not be some new Legacy she got that she hasn't told anyone about. If she can read minds, I'm screwed.

-------------------------------------------LINE BREAK/TIME SKIP-------------------------------------------

We're all in training, and I hear the last thing I want to hear.

"First team to fight: Marina and Eight," says Ella.

Not that I care too much, but who gave her permission to traumatize, pick battle teams?? Eight and I take our stances, and he transforms into the lion-thing he used for Ella's test. Perfect. Trying to make the most of my slightly-suckish Legacies, I take the offense and make an ice hand slap Eight across the training circle, and he momentarily loses his transformation. Huh. I guess I don't know my own strength--even if it's just the strength of ice sculptures. He transforms back and tries to punch me in the ribs, but I dodge with my superspeed. Next time though, my vision's obscured by ice, and I don't see Eight punch through the ice and nail me in the nose. While I'm trying to heal my nose and lob ice balls at him, he pins me down against the ground. His face is so close to mine, and I can almost taste his breath.

His eyes sparkle mischievously as John says, "Eight wins! But fantastic fight, Marina."

Eight pulls me up, his hand lingering on mine a bit longer than necessary--though it might have been my imagination--and smiles. Everyone's already fought their "battles", so everyone splits up or hangs out in the living room.

"Hey, Marina? Can I, um, talk to you for a sec?" I hear behind me.

It's Eight (!!!!!!!!!!!).

"Uh, sure," I say nervously.

" just wanted to ask if...maybeyouwanttogooutwithme?" Eight asks, all in a rush.

I blush (really, Marina? Smooth I say to myself) and say, shyly, "I'd love to. Gosh, is the mighty Eight nervous?"

Honestly, I'm surprised that I can tease him, let alone talk.

"Well, yeah, kinda," he answers.

"Well, don't be, " I say. "It's just me."

"Pfft, right." Eight says, "Just you; just the amazing, awesome you you are."

I look down and blush for a moment. When I look up, Eight takes a deep breath. And kisses me. KISSES ME. I don't know what to do, but I think I'm doing okay. Then he pulls away and saunters out, a smug smile on his face, leaving me alone, dumbstruck. After I'm sure he's gone, I say, "Yessssss!" and rush to tell Ella and Six.

Navrina's my fav!!!!!!! Is this too long to be a drabble? Oh well...hope u liked it! Comment and vote; it means a lot!

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