How Chapter 29 Should Have Ended/Been Written

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Chapter 29 of The Revenge of Seven

SIX'S POV (FYI, some lines have been changed. But only a few!!!! And a few have been added. Okay, more than a few have been added 😀)

 Marina nearly doubles over with a delighted sob. She collects herself quickly, though, and grabs Eight first by the shoulders, then on the sides of his face. She pulls him in close.

 "I'm so sorry, Eight. I'm sorry I couldn't heal you."

 Eight shakes his head. "Stop, Marina. It's okay. You brought me here. It's—I can't even describe it. It's amazing in there. But it's even more amazing back here with you. Even if it's only for a few moments."

 Already, I see the energy spreading outward from Eight's heart. It races through his body, fissures opening on his arms and legs. He doesn't seem to be in any pain. He just smiles at Marina and looks at he like he's trying to memorize her face.

 "Can I kiss you?" Marina asks him.

 "I really wish you would."

 Marina kisses him, pressing in close, squeezing him. As she does, the energy swells up from within Eight and, slowly, his body begins to break apart. But all of a sudden, a sort of visible sonic boom without sound comes from them. Eight's body stops breaking apart, even starts coming back together. Marina breaks away from him, eyes closed and aimed towards the ground, as if she expects him to disappear in a few moments.

"Marina? Umm, Lorien to Marina? Are you okay?" Eight asks.

 "No," Marina murmurs to herself. "You should be gone. You said it yourself. Only a few moments."

 Eight has this look of amazement on his face as he looks down at himself and realizes that she's right; he should be gone.

 "I'm not. I'm not! Marina, Marina, you—I don't know, but you healed me somehow."

 Marina slowly looks up, realizing what's happened.

 "Oh my gosh! I did?" she says with her voice shaking, tears of joy falling onto her cheeks. "Now—now you can finally slap Five across the face or something for—for killing you!"

 Eight wipes her tears away gently with his thumbs and presses his lips to hers, his arms going around her as he starts silently crying himself. This whole time, Adam and I are standing there, shell-shocked, amazed, unable to speak, and dumbfounded at what just happened. As Eight and Marina break apart, Eight smiles teasingly.

 "My now-double savior, NOW what can I do to repay you?" he says.

 They start laughing at this obviously-inside joke, and Marina smiles and says,

 "I could manage with just you not dying on me anymore. That too much to ask?" They both grin at each other, and Marina rushes to hug me and cry on my shoulder, cry tears of utter bliss and happiness that could only come either in the middle of a war, or right after a miracle. This time, though, it's for both.

((((So, u guys like it? I'll post ur alternate versions too, if you like. Just message them to me or something.)))))

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