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Ok guys. Ok. OKAY!!!!!! Its happening. It is, as I am typing, 10:00 pm Eastern Time. Only 2 more hours  till THE FATE OF TEN COMES OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! On this momentous day in history in the fandom of the Lorien Legacies,  we must think, contemplate, and reminisce. Let us remember the joy we felt when Six burst in on John, Sam, and Henri; when Marina found Eight's chest; when Ella was the boss and started shipping the Loric; when Navrina was reunited for that bittersweet moment; when it seemed that Sam had legacies. And yet, we must remember the pain. We must remember the sadness we felt when Henri died; when Adelina died; when Eight died; when Ella was taken; when the Loric felt like the easiest option was just giving up. And even though the is a seventh book that we have to wait ANOTHER year for, we must remain strong and try not to rip our hair out. But seriously. I'm SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!! This book is going to be fantastic and amazing and the BEST SO FAR (hopefully). Thanks to everyone for putting up with my horrible updating skills and for sticking with the Loric and never leaving them. This journey is almost over (I'm crying on the inside), and a book review will be up in the next few days. Luv you all, and thanks for everything (hopefully this doesn't sound like goodbye),


Tomorrow, tomorrow, I luv ya, tomorrow! You're only a day away...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2015 ⏰

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