Exif History

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(Now then, this is it. The final piece of the puzzle. To put it this way, this will be more horrifying and existential in nature. Now I know what your wondering, "why are the first two with Mario and Godzilla, but this cover has the symbol?" Because it's to show that everything is changing. Now, I don't own any material, the rights are from Nintendo, Toho, and Polygon. Now, here we go. The beginning will start in Bleck's point of view.)

"For a long time, my people have spent time observing the earth, especially your kind

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"For a long time, my people have spent time observing the earth, especially your kind. Even before the kaiju were born, since the dawn of human civilization, they often watched and intervened in the lives of the citizens of Earth. Because, you humans are very interesting subjects. From all our observations, we know more about humans than you know yourself. I guess that means I know more about you than you do yourself. It is your nature to form communities. And what is known as "free will" by humans, is actually a rare occurrence. I should know; I wanted to be free with the love of my life, and now she's gone, while I'm trapped in this cesspool of a species. However, I did learn this on one occurrence: the words of God tend to not reach people, but only the words of other people. That's why it's necessary for someone to speak and spread the guidance of God to others. In order for that to happen, I had to find a hero. This hero didn't need power nor reason, but simply a willingness to act; someone to inspire faith. People admire the leaders of an era, search for truth in their words, and through this person, SEARCH FOR GOD. There is no need for everyone to know God's words directly. If one simple hero can show the people the path, then everyone else will follow. Yes, all these years, I've searched and waited for a new hero to bring the Exif to their final destination; so I can find peace. To give us both peace. Yes, I've been waiting for someone like you.....Mario."

Mario and Godzilla: The Planet EaterWhere stories live. Discover now