RWBY: A Shady Deal

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"Powerful entity (gods, dragons, etc.)"


Night finally sets on Remnant as the broken moon can be seen hanging idly from above.

From below, you can see someone staring in wonderment at the odd phenomenon before them.

"I wonder if the Moon on Earth would look like this if a third of it was blasted off." I muttered.

The God of Darkness was very theatrical, unlike his brother. He let his emotions dominate him and there's no better example than when he killed off humanity because a small group of them rebelled and destroyed the moon while leaving the planet.

Overall, he was a brat.

[I wonder what Ozma thought when he first saw the broken moon]

"Probably pissed himself." I chuckled at the mental image.

After some more hours of walking, I notice a couple of lights in the distance. Wasting no time, I ran towards the lights and eventually managed to get out of that damn forest and found myself in a small village.

"Civilization!" I yell and run towards the main gate.

I notice a lot of the villagers are giving me weird looks and granted, I'm not surprised. I do look like I just came from a life-or-death battle, after all, and the dried blood likely doesn't help either.

Looking around, I notice that some of the villagers are Faunus and the humans here seem to be fine with it. If I remember correctly, most humans don't particularly like Faunus though the show never went any deeper than that. It just made it look like Faunus are discriminated and treated like second-class citizens (even slaves) simply because they are Faunus and nothing else. As if they only exist to make humans look better. I mean there could have been something I missed, but most of the characters that treat Faunus like shit are just privileged assholes and that's that. The White Fang is supposedly the result of anger and frustration that has been building up over the years, having had enough of the treatment humanity has given them and tried to fight for their basic rights. Now they're only seen as mobsters and terrorists.

It's pretty messed up.

Faunus won the Faunus Rights Revolution and yet they are still treated like shit. The Kingdoms gave them a small island and basically told them "here's a piece of land to be independent, now fuck off" like the world was just spiting on them for their efforts. By that logic, Menagerie is supposed to be a lawless shithole... but the show does a bad job at convincing the audience and it looks like a flourishing tropical paradise free from "racism". This, in turn, makes the old White Fang and Blake look like massive privileged hypocrites.

God, this doesn't make any sense! How can someone mess up the lore so bad!?

I walk up to a nearby woman. "Excuse me. I just arrived at the village and haven't eaten anything since this morning. Could you point me to the nearest dining area or restaurant?"

"Oh my, that sounds awful. Unfortunately, we do not have a restaurant here but we do have a tavern." The woman raises her arm and points ahead. "Simply follow the path and you'll reach the village square, the tavern will be easy to spot."

"Got it. Thank you." I wave the woman goodbye and follow the path. Eventually, I reach the village square and see a building with a wooden sign that has a beer mug on it.

I open the door and inside people are drinking, eating, talking, laughing while some of the occasional fighting in the background. That is until everyone's attention turns to me and as I take a seat at the counter, I can hear the subtle sounds of whispering in the background.

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