Fairy Tail: Sealed but still Strong

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Disclaimer: I own nothing; just the OC




"Powerful entity (gods, demons, dragons, etc.)"



Beta'd by Omni-Creator Kami of Anime and triscythe59.


It's been a pretty eventful week.

After Aldoron was defeated, the Guiltinan military quickly moved in and pretty much took control of the situation. We were moved to a tiny town called Drameel, a military outpost built by the government for the specific purpose of monitoring Aldoron, which would explain how they were able to organize an attack so fast. When we arrived in Drameel, we were each interrogated for the unknown energy surge that was causing unnatural phenomena across the country. We all pretended not to know and assumed that it was part of some destructive ploy by the Wood Dragon God. The military bought our lie and allowed us to stay and recover while they secured the dragon's body, likely to use it as a weapon against the other dragons.

After that whole mess, I began to explain to the guild in detail what [Aura] and [Semblances] were as well as how they got to Drasil in the first place.

Needless to say, the guild was completely dumbstruck.

When they asked why some of them unlocked [Semblances] and others didn't, I explained it had to do with the situation as [Semblances] can be unlocked during strong physical or emotional events, which in their case was fighting the God Seeds, but most of the time they're unlocked through training. I also explained how [Semblances] are based on a person's character and that even when you think you know yourself, the power you may get might be completely different than what you believed it would be. I also had to hammer down the difference between [Aura] and [Magic] since they pull from different sources of power.

It was funny seeing some of them try to force their [Semblances] out and ended up farting in the end.

Though the fun ended quickly when the smell got to my nostrils.

I explained the chant to Makarov and told him not to share it with anyone since, unlike magic, anyone can have [Aura].

"I understand. I wouldn't want any Dark Guilds getting a hold of this knowledge." Makarov said.

[Considering his guild's track record of keeping secrets, I doubt it will take long for someone to spill the beans]

I also advised him to change the chant to his liking since I got mine from Raven, whom everyone would hate the second she showed up.

The next issue to deal with was what to do with Faris and Touka. My clone brought them to the nearest town he could find and left them in an inn, which just so happens to be the one we're in now.

Everyone stares at the two sleeping in their beds, not having moved an inch since my clone brought them in.

"Hey! Shouldn't we tie up that Touka girl!?" Max said.

"She'll drain our magic the moment she wakes up!" Warren adds.

"We're probably safe. She won't recover her magic so easily." Wendy assures them.

"And if she fights back, I'll clobber her!" Natsu exclaims.

"Wait, which one is Touka? The girl or the cat?" A confused Nab asks.

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