Fairy Tail: Chaotic Heart

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Disclaimer: I own nothing; just the OC




"Powerful entity (gods, demons, dragons, etc.)"



Beta'd by Omni-Creator Kami of Anime.


Everyone looks with a variety of expressions plastered on their faces as Rustyrose himself stands before them.

Name: Rustyrose

Title: Innovator, Guildmaster of Grimoire Heart, Fallen Angel, Mad Alchemist

Level: 124

Affiliation: Alvarez Empire (former), Gold Owl (former), Grimoire Heart

HP: 311,109

MP: 500,801

SP: 466,788

AP: 0

Thoughts about you: Homewrecker

Skill Level Up!

[Observe LVL. 74/100]

I read his stat sheet and raised a brow. 'He was a member of the Gold Owl?'

"What a reunion. It's so good to see you all here in the flesh." Rustyrose remarks.

"You have a lot of nerve showing up, you psycho." Cana growls.

"Even more considering what you've been up to." Mira adds as her face gains demon-like features.

"Yes. Well, I thought it'd be best to just get this out of the way and get started." Rustyrose admits as his gaze turns to me.

"What exactly do I have that supposedly belongs to you?" I ask.

"Several things, actually. One being the Chaos Emeralds you have in your possession. While the other," He turns his gaze to the women and licks his lips. "Are my queens."

Cana scoffs. "Dream on, creep. Besides, someone like you doesn't hold a candle to Asmodeus-kun."

"If you think you can just teleport us and force us under your thumb then you got another thing coming." Dark magic begins to resonate with Mirajane. "And if you even think of laying your filthy hands on my sister or any of my friends, I will RIP your dick and balls and shove them straight down your throat!"

"My body and soul belongs to Asmodeus-sama!" Brandish shouted.

"Indeed, even for a human, you couldn't be more pathetic." Seilah said in a monotone voice. "A worthless ant like you has no place in my heart."

"I serve one man and it's not YOU!" Lamy yelled.

"I prefer if my toys weren't so feeble-looking." Kyôka says while giving a quick glance at Asmodeus.

"I've been wanting to have a word with you when I heard you tried to kidnap Erza." Irene growled. "But now you have the audacity to claim we belong to you like we are your property?! Absolutely unforgivable! Only Asmodeus-sama has the right to say we belong to him!"

Ur transforms into her [Fairy Heart] form. "Rustyrose! Give me back my daughter, you sick bastard!"

'Geez! While I appreciate their commitments, do they really need to say that out loud!?' I thought.

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