Fairy Tail: Awakening Part 2

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Disclaimer: I own nothing; just the OC




"Powerful entity (gods, demons, dragons, etc.)"




Natsu and I stare at the massive tree-like monstrosity that was once the golem of Aldoron. Its shadow was large enough to eclipse the entire room, its roots are as large as buildings, and face worthy to be a demon's, with a perpetually open maw that shows off the numerous wooden fangs in its mouth and its long, long horns that stretch across its torso.

"This... is this really a dragon god...?" Natsu whispers, his voice quivering with fear.

I checked its stats.

Name: Aldoron

Title: Forrest Dragon God Emperor, Soul of the Earth, Father of Life

Level: ?

Affiliation: Five Dragon Gods, Five Guardian Deities

HP: ?

MP: ?

SP: ?

AP: ?

Thoughts about you: Lunch

Skill Level Up!

[Observe LVL. 39/100]

[This... could be trouble]

"Finally... after centuries of waiting." Aldoron spouts. "Nourishing the lifeforce of millions of humans." The roots begin to expand and stretch. "Now, my true power... my true form..." It pulls back before unleashing a mighty roar. "SHALL NOW BE UNLEASHED TO THE WORLD!"

The sheer sonic boom pushes us straight towards the wall behind us.

"YOU TWO!" The ascended wood dragon glares at us. "I appreciate you both for pushing me to my limits. Now, thanks to you two, I have ascended into true godhood." Aldoron praised. "Truth be told, I never thought about using that rock. Oh, if only I had known the true power that was sealed within, I would have used it centuries ago."

Natsu and I pull yourselves out of the wall.

"But your time is near. Accept my gift."


We moved just before a massive hole instantly appeared where the wall used to be.

It was vaporized.

And the worst part of it all is that I couldn't see it just like last time.

"Heh, that was easy," Natsu looks at his enemy with a smirk. "Is that all you got, you tree bastard!?"

"Shut up!" I hissed, I did not need Natsu taunting him.

"I will admit, I am still getting used to this power. It is very difficult to control." Aldoron admits before he looks down at us.

"!" As soon as our eyes met, the floor under us turned into a gaping hole. We quickly manage to get out of it only to continue dodging more holes as we try to run. Natsu, impatient as ever, decides to run towards Aldoron, making his way through his unknown barrage of attacks until he leaps right up to its face and his hands ignite.

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