Thank you for all the Memories

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This probably won't do it any justice, but I just needed to get it off my chest.

Dragon Ball Z was something of an enigma to me. In school, all I heard was the kids talking about the next episode or trying to fire Kamehamehas in the playground.

Back then, I really wasn't interested in the slightest.

One Saturday though, while flicking the channels, I ran into an episode of DBZ completely by accident and decided to watch it with my brother. We got hooked immediately afterwards, with both of us trying to do Kamehamehas and going Super Saiyan (or Kaioken or both). My mom and dad would even watch it with us when they could. I would even invite some friends to watch a marathon with me when I checked out the DVDs from the library.

Needless to say, I would probably be a different person if it wasn't for Dragon Ball. It made my childhood that much more unforgettable.

And those memories will still burn brightly in the future and beyond.

The Seven Dragon Balls are out there somewhere, waiting to be found.

It's time for a new adventure to begin.

Thank you for everything, Akira Toriyama, for giving the world an unforgettable adventure.


I just needed to say something because this hurts. A lot.

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