Chapter 6

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I scooted back and leaned against the tree again. I hoped what just happened wouldn't change anything between us. I don't think I could survive without Phil, and I'm not sure how I did in the first 11 years of my life. If he left, everything would turn upside down.

"so..." I said, trailing off at the end.

"so..." He said, echoing me.

We both laughed at how awkward we were being.

"is this gonna change anything?" I asked, playing with my fingers.

"I guess not... I want it to be the same as before. I just can't lose you." He said.

I looked up and saw a year fall down his face. I instantly reached for him and put my arm around him. He relaxed into my touch.

"It's all okay. Theres no need to cry!" I said, trying to calm him down.

He nodded and looked up at me. His smile made butterflies appear in my stomach, but I pushed them away. I couldn't let my feelings get in the way of my friendship with Phil.


It had been a few months since Phil and I kissed. Nothing had changed, just as he promised. We still wrote notes, spent every free hour together, studied in the library together, and did everything we could to be together.

We were headed to the train getting ready to leave for the holidays. Phil and I were both going home, but we made plans to meet up and introduce each other to our families. I hoped his parents would accept me, as I was a muggle. I remember the first day Phil and I met, he told me he had never met a muggle before. His parents weren't fans apparently. Hopefully I would be an exception. Losing Phil would change everything for me.

We got onto the train and found an empty compartment in the back. It was the same one we sat in on our way to school for the first time. I sat in the same place I did last time, but this time Phil sat next to me. I leaned my head on his shoulder and got ready for the long train ride.

I had somehow fallen asleep during the ride. Someone was shaking my shoulder trying to wake me up, but my eyes wouldn't open. I finally forced them open and was met with bright blue ones staring back. Phil instantly pulled back and started walking towards the door of our compartment. I started panicking, not wanting to be left alone here. Once he looked back and saw my expression, a look of worry found its way onto his face and I couldn't help but smile. It was evident that he was genuinely worried.

I started laughing quietly as he ran back to me and pulled me into a hug.

"I thought you were going to die or something! You got me so worried! I hate you so much!" He yelled.

The smile on my face instantly went away as he said that.

He hates me?

"No! Dan! I didn't mean it! I don't actually hate you!"

I just turned away and leaned against the window.

I couldn't help but think that he did actually hate me. I mean, why would he even like me in the first place? He probably hate me all along. I was probably just a charity case to him. I mean nothing.

The train finally pulled into King's Cross Station and I hurried to get off and find my parents. I spotted my dads head above everyone else and rushed over. I have both my parents hugs and told them we would talk about everything later. I couldn't wait to tell them what it was like and every single thing that happened. Also, I couldn't wait to get out of here and have a break from everything for a while.

My parents helped me get my stuff and led me to the car. We lived about an hour away from the station, so I had some time to think. I tried to think of anything other than Phil, but my mind kept coming back to him.

Why had he said he hated me?
Why would he say it if he didn't mean it?
Did he think I was annoying?
Too pushy?
Too clingy?
Too weak?

My mind was racing with reasons Phil could hate me. I know that some of them were unreasonable, and definitely not true, but I still considered them.

By the time we reached my house, I was exhausted. My mum helped me to my room and my dad retrieved my things from the car. I laid down and fell asleep the instant my head hit the pillow.

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