Chapter 7

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Dan ran as fast as he could out of the compartment and into the arms of his mum. I hated that he still thought I hated him. I could never! He means so much to me, and I may have just let him walk right out if my life.

I really hoped he would forgive me soon, we had plans to hang out over the holidays. They would obviously be called off if we weren't talking, but I hoped it wouldn't come to that.

Too busy thinking about what was happening with Dan, I almost forgot I was supposed to be dm finding my parents. They would be worried if they saw me in this state, so I put on a fake smile and made my way to their open arms.


The next morning, I woke up and went straight to my owl's cage. He was excited to actually go outside for once. I didn't have many friends to send things to, so he never really got out. I have him the latter I wrote for Dan, and set him off on his journey.

I hadn't received a reply a few hours later, but I thought nothing of it. My parents called me down for a "family meeting" and I groaned as I went to join them.

There was enough on my mind right now without my family issues. I knew nothing was wrong, they called these meetings all the time. It was mostly stupid things and it was probably no different this time.

"Philip, we were wondering if anything exciting happened this term at school. Did you make any new friends?" My mum asked as I sat in the chair across from them.

I shrugged at them and nodded my head slightly.

"Wow! Good, Philip! We've been hoping you would make some friends! What about girls? Have you met any lovely girls worth your excellence?"

I shrugged again.

"Not really. I'm not interested in that type of thing, really." I said, worried about the reaction I would get.

My parents met at a very young age, 11 to be exact. So they wanted the same thing for me. They wanted me to meet a perfect, Hufflepuff girl and have us grow up together. Just like they did. But that's quite the opposite of what I want. I want a perfect, Slytherin boy. And his name was Daniel Howell.

"Oh, that's okay honey. You aren't even half done with your first year yet! There's still some time to meet your future wife before the summer." My mum said.

"Is that all?" I asked, just wanting to get back to my room and check if I got a reply from Dan.

They both nodded and I rushed upstairs. I looked to the owl cage and saw Harrod sitting there. There was no letter waiting for me, so I frowned and sat on the edge of my bed.

Maybe he just has something to do. Or maybe he was out for the day. Yeah, that must be it.

The next morning, I sent out another letter. He should be home now. He'll answer this time.

I went about my day normally, occasionally checking my room for the return of Harrod. He finally came back mid- afternoon, with no letter of course. I was dumb to have gotten my hopes up. Telling Dan that I hated him was the worst mistake of my life. I hadn't meant to say it, I didn't hate him in any way, shape, or form. I didn't think it was even possible for me to do anything but love him.

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