Chapter 13: Mistletoe Kiss- WAIT ZANDER?!

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Ken walked next to me in her black jacket, talking to Jake. We had all finally finished writing the song.. Me and Ken had to be included in that because we were both back-up singers.

But, we formed a plan before getting to the music room.. Ken had told me she found a mistletoe at school in the storage room yesterday and we both had made the best plan.

Snow fell down slowly around us, I didn't mind the cold, but what made me shiver was if this plan didn't work.

"I'm gonna go home," Ken said suddenly. Hailey looked over to her as Ken said "Bye"

"Are you going home too?" Hailey asked me, knowing we were cousins.

"Oh- no, I'll stay a bit longer" I replied, this was a part of the plan.. Ken would set up the mistletoe in the spot, and I'd lead Jake and Hailey there and get them under the mistletoe, easy peasy lemon squeezey.

Ken walked away, grasping the mistletoe lightly in her pocket, hurrying towards the spot.

"Well, this was sure productive" Hailey sighed

"Oh, c'mon princess, getting drinks from Starbucks isn't that bad is it?" Jake says, looking over at Hailey who is almost finished with her coffee

"I told you to stop calling me that" She says, a tint of blush appearing on her cheeks

I chuckle, they follow me, not realizing I'm leading them to the spot.

I see the mistletoe hung up on some random lamp post... Can't wait to take a picture of this. I smirk, leading them under the lamppost

"Oooo~" I say, successfully getting them under the mistletoe. Snow falls around us, I see Ken recording this from under a bush. A smirk on her face.

"What?" Hailey asks. Jake looks up, seeing the mistletoe above, and laughs awkwardly. Having no idea what to say.

"What?" Hailey asks again, looking at Jake. "Uh- look up" Jake says, blush grows upon his face.

Hailey looks up and starts blushing too.

"WHO- WHO PUT THIS UP HER-" Hailey notices my gaze and looks at the bush, seeing Ken smirking whilst recording.

"KEN" Hailey screechs, she starts walking over towards the bush, but I push her towards Jake and smirk

"Your under the mistletoe~" I smirk, a small chuckle following

"I- Ugh- fine" Hailey says blushing, she turns over towards Jake.

A few minutes later they're both leaning towards each other. Me and Ken are both excited about the success of our plan.

Right before Hailey's and Jake's lips meet a familiar grumpy, grape haired boy walks in, leaning and holding onto his peanut-butter haired boyfriend's hand.

'Oh fuck' I think, I know Ken's thinking the same thing

Zander sees the two- "WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!" Zander screams, Luke is just shocked as he holds Zander back from murdering Jake, or worse, being inside his bed.

Hailey and Jake part, 'Dammit! They almost kissed' I thought, frowning.

Jake squeaks in fear of the grape.. He wants to live longer than this.

Ken comes out of the bushes and stands next to me. He's not mad at me, he's mad at Ken, because from her facial expression he knows she set up the mistletoe, what he doesn't know? I was part of the plan.

'It's about to go down-' I think, seeing Ken and Zander giving each other their own death stares


Shit's about to go down

- If Me and my Friend Teleported to the TMF Universe - OH HOLD||Where stories live. Discover now