}-Chapter One-{

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Aster Marigold Potter was finally able to escape the British Wizarding World, she was finally free of all the hatred and expectations that the adults and her own friends had placed upon her

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Aster Marigold Potter was finally able to escape the British Wizarding World, she was finally free of all the hatred and expectations that the adults and her own friends had placed upon her. Though she sighed as she was sat inside the office of her account manager, Bloodclaw, who was looking at her with sympathy. She didn't really want it, but she was not going to get him to stop, he didn't know she hated it, and she would not be rude to someone who was actually helping her for once in her miserable life. Aster's head smacked the back of the chair, tears welling in her eyes, she couldn't believe that the people she trusted, hurt her like this.

"Lady Potter?" Bloodclaw questioned seeing her hands tighten on the Inheritance test.

Aster nodded her head before looking back at the Inheritance Test. "Yeah. Just getting over the fact that I was not loved like I thought I was." She answered, before handing the parchment to her account manager.

Name: Aster Marigold Potter

Age: 19 (Immortal)

Birthday: July 31, 1980

Mother: Lillian Elizabeth Potter nee. Evans

Father: James Fleamont Potter


Godfather – Sirius Orion Black III (dead)

Godmother – Alice Marie Longbottom (Clinically Insane)

Heirs to:

Potter (by blood, father)

Peverell (by blood, father)

Gryffindor (by blood, father)

Le Fey (by blood, mother)

Pendragon (by blood, father)

Black (by blood, godfather)

Slytherin (by blood, father)


Magic core (85% blocked, 15% unblocked)

Wandless Magic (blocked)

Eidetic/Photographic Memory (blocked)

Natural Legilimency (blocked)

Natural Occlumency (blocked)

Natural Animagus – Fox (blocked)

Beast Speech (blocked – Parsletongue unblocked)

Healing Magic (blocked)

Dark Magic (blocked)

Light Magic (90% blocked, 10% unblocked)

Creature Inheritance: Vampire 1/2 Kitsune 1/2

Other Information:

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