}-Chapter Six-{

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Carlisle sighed seeing her in pain made him feel horrible, he should have tried to find her sooner

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Carlisle sighed seeing her in pain made him feel horrible, he should have tried to find her sooner. He finally stepped towards the crying witch, kneeling in front of her, although her eyes were a different colour now, he knew who she was, and he placed a cold hand to her cheek wiping the tears away. "Hello, do you remember me?" He asked her gently as she watched him carefully.

"Of course, I do, you're the reason I came here." She whispered softly. "You're Carlisle." She said gently.

"It's lovely to see you again Aster." Carlisle said to girl. "How have you been?" He asked her, being gentle not to overwhelm her. He had been searching for days to find the girl that was in the woods, but she just disappeared. He had tried to find her of course, he looked and looked, but when he didn't find her, he had stopped, something inside him told him that he would see her soon.

"As good as one like myself can be." She answered softly. "I'm glad I found you, not sure why my magic brought me to you, and I'm ever so sorry that I scared you when I disappeared, but time was not really on my side as you heard." She said to kind vampire.

"She's the girl you saw in the woods, but weren't your eyes green?" Edward questioned.

Aster was about to respond when a male voice spoke up. "Not anymore, after all we did a spell together to make ourselves blood siblings."

Aster's head snapped to see Draco stood behind her smiling gently. "Dray! You're here early." She giggled jumping over to her brother. Hugging her happily.

"Of course, I am, I was just finished packing and since no one knew what I looked like anymore I used an international port key, when I saw you weren't home, I used the connection we have and made my way here." He explained to the girl.

"Driving or flying?" She asked.

"I drove, thank you very much." He said rolling his eyes. Aster just giggled at his face before turning to the Cullen's.

"Sorry, this is my brother Draco Lucius Malfoy." She said until he coughed. "Sorry his last name now is Potter." She giggled.

Carlisle was the first up. "A pleasure to meet you." He said to Draco, shaking Aster's brothers' hand.

"The pleasure is all mine, I've not met a Cold One before, not a coven at least." Draco stated with a smirk on his face. Aster elbowing him in his ribs. "Sorry." He said. The Cullen family all happily welcomed Draco, it was when Edward Cullen stepped forward. "You weren't wrong Aster; he really is the spitting image." Draco stated.

"Spitting Image?" Esme asked, a confused look in her eyes.

Aster sighed gently she wasn't sure if she wanted to speak about it, but she knew they all deserved an explanation. "I was fourteen when someone put my name into an event, it wasn't a great event either. Um, I was with another student, someone I was relatively close to, he was another partaker in the event. We were transported to a cemetery, and the man that had been trying to kill me for years well, he was brought back, but not before the one who looks just like you, was killed in front of me, I was fourteen, and I was in so much pain that I didn't know what to do." She whispered.

The family were silent they weren't sure how to speak after hearing about what happened even if it wasn't all of it. "Why would they allow that?" Esme questioned appalled that a young child was placed in something so dangerous.

Aster and Draco shared a look, "because the old coot wanted his fame back, he wanted everyone to see a great man, but all he did was make me distrust him." Aster stated. "I will never trust someone as easily anymore, though for some reason all of you I feel I can trust, Death has been the main reasoning of course, but something else is there."

Carlisle knew exactly what feeling she was talking about, she was feeling the mate pull, but he didn't want to thrust that on her. He was going to tell her, but he wanted them to take it slow, just from the small amount of information she had told them, about the trust, he wanted her to trust him. "So, what's muggle school like?" Draco asked off-handedly. 

Everyone looked at him with tilted heads, confused as to why he changed the subject. Aster just shook her head thankful that her brother had changed the subject. "Not like Hogwarts." She said with a giggle. "They have these things called lockers, and they hold everything we need for the year." She said to him as she looked wide eyed. 

Draco looked a little in awe of the thought of lockers. "So, you don't have to carry everything in your bags. That's quite smart." He laughed. "What about quills? Do I need them?" He asked her.

"No, muggles have this thing called a pen, it holds the ink inside them." Aster explained to Draco, he looked at her with wide eyes.

"No bubbles, and no worries about it spilling everywhere?" He asked. 

"No." Aster giggled.

The family grinned watching the pair as they chatted about 'muggle' school. Rosalie and Emmett were quick to join in on the conversation explaining to Draco what some things were and the different stuff they had compared to Hogwarts. It wasn't long before all the kids joined in all of them comparing Aster and Draco's world with their world. They laughed joyfully together as they talked, Carlisle and Esme smiled watching the group, Carlisle had this fluttering in his heart at watching Aster talk to his children, and hopefully they would be her children. 

He couldn't wait till he could tell her about the connection they shared, he had waited for hundreds of years, and he could wait a few more days before telling her of their connection.

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