}-Chapter Nine-{

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It was the next morning when Aster and Draco were standing with Alice, Jasper, and Edward, the five talking away, mostly the three Cullen's were wanting to learn everything about Aster, their future mother

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It was the next morning when Aster and Draco were standing with Alice, Jasper, and Edward, the five talking away, mostly the three Cullen's were wanting to learn everything about Aster, their future mother. Alice had screamed the night before seeing Carlisle and Aster's wedding, their future. The whole family were purely excited, Carlisle though was a bit embarrassed with how everyone was acting, telling them to just relax, Aster was someone who deserved to find love in her own time, to trust him. He wanted her to be comfortable.

They accepted his reasoning.

Today there were several classes out on the lawn gathering for a field trip. Mr. Molina was the one in charge. "Make sure I get your permission slips." He called out to the groups of teens. Aster and Draco smiled as they handed theirs over to the man, the Cullen's doing the same. Aster's hands were still wrapped tightly, the pair having cleaned the wounds that morning, Draco also making sure she was wearing gloves as extra protection over the wounds. 

The siblings look over to see Bella was looking at them. She watches Edward, barely noticing as Mike trots up to her. Edward instantly took Aster's attention asking her questions, the young witch was happy to talk about it, the boy asking her about hers and Draco's world. She may not have had a great experience, but it didn't mean she wouldn't love speaking about her experience in learning, about the world she loved. Not the people though.

"Let's go now everyone." Mr Molina called out to the students, Aster and Draco followed behind the Cullen siblings onto the bus, the five taking the back of the bus, Aster was in between Edward and Draco. The young immortal witch was still chatting with Edward as Draco spoke with Jasper and Alice, Draco was surprisingly a fashionista, it scares Aster somedays when those two are together.

When they arrived at the greenhouse, it was giving both Draco and Aster memories of Herbology. Mr. Molina and a Tour Guide lead several dozen kids through the greenhouse. The twins could see that Bella keeps an eye on Edward who's up ahead with Alice and Jasper. Mr. Molina demonstrates the compost machine as the students mess around. Aster and Draco were happy being in the back, the girl herself loved plants, it was thanks to Neville that she grew to have an appreciation to plants of all types.

"C'mon, Eric, stuff that compost down deep... that's it..." They hear Mr Molina say as the machine gurgles and spins. "... now Tyler, take a big steaming cup of 'compost tea.' This is recycling at its most basic level –" He starts to explain before he sees the Tyler about to drink it. "Hey, don't drink that!" He shouted.

When Bella sees Edward pause by an ancient staghorn fern, alone, she takes a breath for courage and strides up to him. Aster was now beside Edward; Draco having been pulled away from her by Mr Molina.

"Hello, Edward. Aster." Bella greeted them. Edward glances at her, merely nodding. Aster notices his fists were clenched, Aster smiles in greeting to the girl as she holds Edwards hand calming him down. But Bella was appalled by his rudeness. "Really?" She questioned, but still she got no response. She turns and starts to walk away.

"What's in Jacksonville?" Edward asked, Bella turns back to him surprised.

"How did you know about that?"

"You didn't answer my question." Edward said tilting his head at the girl, but it was strange to see Edward close with Aster, strangely close, it was like he was protective of her, like an older brother, or even like a son protecting his mother.

"You haven't answered any of mine. You won't even say hello." Bella mutters as the two begin move. 

Aster glances at Edward as he smirks and says. "Hello."

"And how did you stop that van?" Bella asked.

"Adrenaline rush. Very common." Edward answered before continuing. "Google it."

Bella rolls her eyes not buying anything he says, while Aster walks beside him, completely at ease. "Floridians. That's what's in Jacksonville." She states and turns to storm off, but she stumbles over the irrigation hose. Edward steadies her, catching her scent -- still so powerful... He clenches his jaw.

Edward then says. "It helps if you actually watch where you put your feet."

Insulted, she keeps moving. He keeps pace with Aster also keeping that pace, serious now. "I know I've been rude, but it's for the best." Edward stated, Bella just looks at him like he's crazy. He and Aster walk away as Jessica suddenly rushes up.

"Guess who just asked me to prom!" They heard Jessica say.

Outside Edward and Aster walked past the group of friends that Aster and Draco had make, they were all standing around a compost worm box. They waited for Bella to walk out of the greenhouse when she did Edward made his way over to her. "Bella, it would be better if we weren't friends." He said to her, Bella turns to glance at him but stopping.

"Too bad you didn't figure that out earlier." Bella grumbled. "You could have let the van crush me and saved yourself all this regret."

"You think I regret saving you?" Edward hissed, annoyed that she was making it about herself, when Aster was beside her in the incident.

"I know you do." Bella stated.

"You don't know anything. And for your information, Aster was beside you, I would protect her." Edward growled. His harshness stings her. Suddenly, Alice appears at Edward's side. She eyes Bella with curiosity.

"The bus is leaving." She said to Aster and Edward, Aster smiled as she walked to the bus. "Hi. Will you be riding with us?" Alice asks Bella. 

"No. Our bus is full." Edward grunts as he purposefully walks Alice away. But he glances back at Bella with, is that... remorse? She doesn't see it.

Edward sits beside Aster as she turns to face him. "Are you okay?" She asked gently. 

Edward doesn't say anything for a moment but sighs. "I could be better, but I'll figure it out, and if I need to talk, I will come to you." And seeing the smile grow on Aster's face Edward smiled too, happy to see the smile on her face.

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