}-Chapter Eight-{

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Aster was beside Draco as a nurse fixed her hands up, she was flinching every so often, not used to muggle medicines anymore

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Aster was beside Draco as a nurse fixed her hands up, she was flinching every so often, not used to muggle medicines anymore. Draco was caressing her hair, whispering soothing words to his sister, the girl hiding her face in his chest. The two jumped in surprise as the double doors burst open as Chief Swan runs in, face white with terror. He spots Bella - sitting on a gurney, the E.R. Doctor looking into her eyes with a pen light. On the next gurney over, Tyler, the van's driver, lies with a mild head wound. Chief Swan rushes up.

"Bells. Are you alright?" Chief Swan asks his daughter.

"I'm fine, dad. Calm down." They hear Bella say.

"I'm so sorry, Bella, Aster. I tried to stop." Tyler says to both girls, but the boy flinches at Draco's glare, he was not a happy teen, to Draco, Tyler was an annoying pin to his side.

"It's okay, Tyler." Bella says for the pair.

Aster shook her head as the nurse finished fixing her hands up, the girl held them close to her chest. "It sure as hell is not okay." Chief Swan hissed, anger in his eyes. He looked over to the siblings seeing how close they were. "Not only were you almost killed, but so was that poor girl over there," he stated, annoyed that his own daughter was brushing it to the side.

"Dad, it's not his fault..." Bella whispers, trying to have him see reason.

"We nearly lost you. We nearly lost your friend as well." Chief Swan says sternly, he really truly was getting frustrated at this point in time.

"But you didn't." Bella says, and Chief Swan would hug his daughter, if that was who he, or who she was. Instead, he glares at Tyler.

"You can kiss your license goodbye." Chief Swan threatens to the boy.

"I heard the Chief's daughter was here." Carlisle says, as he steps inside the room Bella looks up and sees Carlisle, who was in his mid-30's, blonde hair, pale, tired, but he looked kind.

"Good. Dr. Cullen." Chief Swan says with relief.

"I've got this one, Jackie." Carlisle said softly to the woman, smiling kindly at Carlisle, she hands him the chart. Carlisle reviews Bella's chart, then feels the back of her head as he says, "you have a nice knot growing back there, but your x-rays show no indication of concussion."

"I'm so sorry, Bella. I'm really..." Tyler once again says before Chief Swan abruptly pulls the curtain between them. 

"It would have been a lot worse if Edward hadn't knocked us out of the way." Bella says, as Draco and Aster looked at each other.

"Edward? Your boy?" Chief Swan questions, looking at Carlisle.

Carlisle glances over at Aster and Draco, before quickly looking back at the chart. Bella's intuition flickers, sensing he knows something. She presses. "It was amazing he got to us so fast. He was nowhere near either of us."

"As long as you're safe." Carlisle states before nodding and going over to the Potter siblings. He was being gentle with Aster, as he looked over her hands, he did the normal checkup over her, Bella was confused to see how attentive he was being with Aster. It was strange. 

Aster whispered to Carlisle, asking him questions about what she needed to do, what she had to do. She was quite curious to what the muggles did now a days, he smiled gently, both looking curious to how they were to treat her wounds. He helped Aster up and brought her out of the room, the three walking towards the older vampire's office. But they were stopped as Rosalie stalked towards them, Edward right behind her.

Rosalie was clearly furious at Edward who stands his ground, Aster and Draco were still stood beside Carlisle, the man holding Aster in his hold as she watched them. The poor man having to play as intermediary.

"This isn't just about you, it's about all of us," Rosalie hisses, including Draco and Aster in this as well. 

Aster spots Bella down the hall and she whispers to Carlisle telling him that the girl was watching them. "Let's take this in my office." Carlisle states as he stops Rosalie, Rosalie glares at Edward as she goes off with Carlisle, Aster, and Draco.

The four stepped inside Carlisle's office, Rosalie instantly went into a tirade of anger, moaning and complaining about the human being named Bella. 'So how do I look after this?" Aster asked quietly, Draco nodding along with her question, he too wanting to know.

Carlisle smiled and spoke to the pair. "Keep the dressing clean by changing it as often as necessary. Keep the wound dry by using waterproof dressings, which will allow you to take showers. And you can remove the dressing after a few days once the wound has closed itself. If you feel like you're in a lot of pain, just take some pain-relief, it'll help dull the pain." 

Draco nodded, taking in the information that was needed. When they were finished and Edward came storming back in, Carlisle asked that Rosalie and Edward head home, while he finished work. They would discuss everything at home. Aster smiled and walked over to Carlisle bringing him into a hug. The man smiled gently as he hugged Aster back. "Thank you, for helping me." She whispered to him, as she relished his warmth. Draco had told Aster that his type of Vampire were cold, freezing in fact, but to her he was warm.

"No thanks is needed Aster; I would always help you." He said to her gently.

Draco and Aster soon left headed home. Both just happy to be in their own environment, Aster going and working on some runes, she had grown to enjoy that subject after finally learning it her own way, she was quite successful in making some work on muggle things, like their cars. Draco was just like his godfather, Severus Snape, having taken to potions quickly, he enjoyed the way he figured things out, how the ingredients worked in certain ways.

They were both doing something that gave them happiness. 

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