}-Chapter Seven-{

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"So, let me get this straight, you've moved somewhere, where vampires live, you've told them about magic, and you think you may or may not have a crush on the teens parents?" Draco asked frowning as the two sat outside in the backyard

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"So, let me get this straight, you've moved somewhere, where vampires live, you've told them about magic, and you think you may or may not have a crush on the teens parents?" Draco asked frowning as the two sat outside in the backyard. Aster had just had an in-depth conversation with Draco about the whole ordeal, she honestly needed brutal honesty right now. And who better to deliver it then the Malfoy boy himself. "You and your bloody Potter Luck. Honestly." He scoffed.

Aster blinked. "That's it."

Draco looked at her. "Yep, night." He said with a grin before leaving her alone.

"Night." She said defeated. "Maybe tomorrow will be better." She sighed as she too went to her room to sleep.

Just before school started, Aster had taken Draco to the office so that they could pick up his schedule, thankfully it was the exact same as hers. They thanked the woman before walking outside. Aster had wanted to introduce him to the normal people, not the magical or supernatural type of people. She spotted Bella, she was sitting atop a table, an open book in her lap. But her eyes are on the arriving kids, and the parking lot as they pull in. Aster shrugs when Draco looks to her, they had a feeling she was waiting for someone. 

Aster turned to talk to Angela, the girl taking a break from kicking the soccer ball. Draco and Angela instantly start chatting about certain things they were interested in, her brother ignoring the leering looks from Jessica and the glare aimed at him by Mike. Eric and Mike wave Bella to join them but she smiles, declining... and returns to watching everyone.

It was another day, Draco's third day at the muggle high school, he was enjoying it so far. The four of them were leaning to watch a YouTube video on Jessica's phone. Aster notes that Bella gives it a cursory look but is focused on the Cullen table --only four of them. Edward's seat is empty... Aster had asked Rosalie where Edward was and she explained to both Draco and her that he had gone to Alaska to their cousins, Bella was his blood singer, making it difficult for the vampire to be in the school full of humans.

"That makes sense, tell him we hope he feels better soon." Aster said seeing Bella watching them, eves dropping on their conversation. Rosalie glared in Bella's direction before nodding and walking away from the twins. "Bella, what are you doing?" She asked the brunette.

"Nothing." Bella muttered dashing away from them.

The twins watch her leave, before sending a look to each other, Bella was going to cause some problems it seemed. The two walked to their next class, stepping inside they smiled in greeting to their teacher and took their places. The two had gained a reputation in the school, the two were insanely gorgeous, both being asked on a regular basis to go on dates, the teachers loved them because they never caused issues, and always did their work. They were polite and kind to everyone.

Another day passed, Aster, Draco, Bella, Angela, Mike, Jessica, and Eric, exit the school, all talking to one another happily. Aster watches as Bella only glances at Rosalie's car, a red M3 BMW, as it drives past, noting, again, four Cullen's, no Edward. Bella returns to her friends, finally forgetting about him... 

That's what the twins hoped for.

Aster had seen that Edward had finally returned to school, she watched as they both walked in the hall, she couldn't help but feel something was going to go wrong. Shaking her head, she walked over to Bella as Edward left her be, looking confused, or was he frustrated. "Bella." Aster greeted. Bella smiled at the British girl as they walked out. Aster explained she was waiting for Draco; he had gotten a bit confused on one of their subjects and had asked for some help from the teachers.

The two girls were happy to note that the rain has stopped, but the parking lot is full of water and patches of black ice. Aster was kind enough to hold onto Bella, making sure she didn't fall over and hurt herself. The two whispered to one another as they got to truck, Bella looks across the lot Edward stands by his silver Volvo with his siblings, about to climb in. A moment as their eyes meet... then he looks toward the sound of a high-pitched screech, that quickly grows louder...

Aster and Bella turn to see a van -- skidding on the ice, careening out of control, heading directly for them. The two girls grip one another as it feels like time suddenly fractures, compressing to stillness, then exploding in bursts of speed.

The van is about to hit Bella's truck, with her and Aster standing in between, when suddenly, something knocks Bella and Aster down, pinning them to the ground. Bella looks up - Edward is on top of them. Aster keeps her eyes on the van as it comes closer and closer, she was scared, as her eyes flashed gold, slowing the van just a bit. Edward glances at her, before pulling her up a little more and putting her behind him.

He would not allow Carlisle's mate to be hurt. Not after the years of waiting Carlisle had done, the waiting for her.

The van smashes into the back of Bella's truck, then around, once again careening toward her, Aster, and Edward, suddenly his hand is creating a deep dent in the side of the van's body as it shudders to a stop, a foot from the two girls. Edward literally pushes the van away.

The two girls try to absorb what has just happened, Bella tries to speak but the screaming begins, yelling, calls for help. People leap to Tyler's aid, run to Bella, Aster, and Edward. Bella sees the onion on the ground, smashed as she and Aster would have been. As everyone sweeps in, Edward moves into the background.

"Are you okay!? Are you?!" Both Eric and Mike shout, as Aster is helped up by Draco who checks her over, he sees the scrapes on her hands, they were deep. Amid the chaos, Bella sees Edward's siblings looking at Edward. But they show no hint of concern for his safety. Instead, they look at him with disapproval... and fury. 

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