}-Chapter Two-{

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It was a month before she finally arrived in Forks Washington, her body buzzing with a newfound excitement, after finally getting her magic and foxy appearance under control, she was finally able to move like normal not have people stare at her st...

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It was a month before she finally arrived in Forks Washington, her body buzzing with a newfound excitement, after finally getting her magic and foxy appearance under control, she was finally able to move like normal not have people stare at her strangely, which was surprisingly a lot more than normal. She hated it of course. She always hated the staring that came from her stupid title The-Girl-Who-Lived, stupid name to call her, after all she only survived because her mother, the true Saviour of the Wizarding World, used dark ancient magic. Magic that would have had Lily Potter thrown in Azkaban with no trial.

Shaking her head Aster skipped happily through the airport, headed for her newly bought 1969 Dodge Charge in a sleek black. With her Hogwarts trunk rolling behind her she hummed softly, her car key in hand, when she reached the car, she smiled seeing the license plate saying, 'Mini Prongs.' She laughed as she put her trunk in the boot of her car, before going to the driver's side, sliding in she grinned turning on the engine. The purring sound of the engine vibrated through her bones, she turned her music on, Simple Plan blasting through the speakers. Pressing on the gas, she zoomed towards Forks, singing loudly with the music, she couldn't help but reminisce.

It seemed to happen a lot lately, thinking about how she had now gotten here, it was sad to think about, to think that people she loved had betrayed her, caused her pain, but from it all, she had created a new friend, one in she thought would never happen, Draco Lucius Malfoy, was one of the seven people she had told where she was going. And when he had heard she was leaving he wanted to join her. Draco and Aster had bonded over their abusive past, and they saw a lot in each other, they had expressed it in different ways, but they were the same. Draco at some point during the month she was training her now expanded magical core, had suggested they do a sibling bond, Aster was curious of the suggestion, and she listened with rapt attention.

So, she accepted.

The two now looked very much alike, almost like twins, Draco's hair had turned black as night, and like her own, and she had gained his cold grey eyes. Both took certain facial features from each other, but they were twins by blood. They loved it. Sadly, Draco was not allowed to leave Britain just yet, he had to go through some things with the American Ministry and British Ministry first, though now having Aster as a sister, it was going faster, and they knew it would be accepted right away. Sometimes being Aster Potter was a bonus.

When she saw the sign, The City of Forks Welcomes You: Population 3247. "Guess it's now 3248, son 49." Aster giggled. Getting into the town Aster takes in this logging town every storefront has a wood carving. The Timber Museum's sign is two loggers sawing a stump. The police station is a small wooden building across from City Hall... She couldn't believe how this town hadn't been a favourite of tourism, it was beautiful and quiet. Well, if you got over the fact that the people who've lived here their whole lives wouldn't trust a new person, with no ties to their town. But Aster was prepared for that.

Aster quickly got her wand out, whispering the 'point me' spell. Her new and improved wand hovered in her car pointing to where she needed to go, humming when it was alerting her to when she needed to turn. When she got onto an isolated paved road, she drove up the winding road, going deeper and deeper into the woods, and higher and higher. When she finally arrived, she took her wand and smiled at the sight of her new home.

A beautiful Victorian styled house, well the Halliwell manor really. She giggled at the thought of the show that she absolutely adored when she was able to watch it. The Manor is comprised of a main floor featuring a foyer, parlor, solarium, conservatory, eat-in kitchen, formal dining room, living area and a laundry room. The second level consists of three bedrooms with attached bathrooms as well as a nursery. The third level is the Attic, a large open area where various potions and books of her magical world were located now. And below the main floor is the Basement which can be entered via a stairway from the kitchen.

Designed in the Eastlake style, the two-story home features tailored, rectangular lines that are further emphasized by the vertical grooves in the decorative wood trim. The exterior displays such classic Victorian details as windows with upper panes bordered with stained glass. The interior is also Victorian in style, with a classic double parlor with redwood trim, cast-iron fireplaces, and lacquered pocket doors.

She was a stickler for detail.

Walking to the house she opened it with a drop of blood, the door swinging open. Taking a deep breath in Aster was happy to feel at home, she hadn't felt that way for a very long time. She walked to the kitchen to find it already stocked full of food, she made a mental note to send her thanks to Bloodclaw for doing this for her. Making her way out of the kitchen she sat in the Conservatory, waving her hand the doors of the Conservatory opened, letting a cool breeze to float into the room. She closed her eyes as she let everything hit her all at once.

She was finally free. Letting a tear slip down her pale cheek she smiled, wiping the tear away. Sitting in one of the wicker chairs, a book now in hand, she curled up on the chair, letting the sounds of nature relax her war-torn body. She wrapped the throw over her body, letting herself finally, finally relax. She read for hours, she only noticed it was late at night when Winky, her new house elf popped in front of her, scolding her Mistress of not having her dinner and nutrition potions yet. Blinking away the strain in her eyes, she got up to go to the dining table, eating the food Winky had prepared for her.

Winky closing the house up, locking and warding all the doors. She was a very protective house elf, Winky was. She was not going to allow her new Mistress to fall, she was not going to fail again.

Aster made her way up to her bedroom, getting herself ready for bed, and for tomorrow. Aster had made it her mission to go back to school, this time with no evil Dark Lords after her, wanting to kill her – she hoped. Shaking her head, she got her clothes for tomorrow ready, her school supplies inside her bag with a feather-light charm, and an expandable charm on the bag. No way was she going to use the locker, she had Fred and George to thank for that, the Weasley twins pulling a prank on her in the girls locker room. She shivered at the memory.

They were evil, devil twins. But she still loved them.

Finishing with her clothes and supplies, Aster made her way to her bed quickly climbing under the many, many blankets. It was her little hidey hole, her inner fox wanting to burrow deep it was a cold place she had chosen so she needed to burrow for warmth, and what better place than a comfy soft mattress. Closing her eyes, Aster drifted off into a deep sleep, her mind fully relaxed and ready for a whole new adventure.

And to find Carlisle.

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