}-Chapter Five-{

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Aster had hidden herself in a corner of the library, the books calming her raging thoughts, in her hand was her book she had brought with her

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Aster had hidden herself in a corner of the library, the books calming her raging thoughts, in her hand was her book she had brought with her. She was shaking as she gripped the book tightly in her hold, having it almost as her safety net. She was thankful that she had a free period right now, she needed to center herself, her thoughts were raging, and her magic was getting a little hard to control. She took another deep breath in, as she brought her phone to her ear, calling Draco.

'Aster?' Draco's voice was happy, seeing her calling must have brightened his mood a lot. She wondered if he had a bad day, she wished she was there to help him feel better.

"Dray, there is someone at the High school, that looks like Cedric." She whispered softly, holding back her tears. "Identical." She whispered.

'Are you alright?' He asked her, concern in his voice. Aster wasn't sure what she needed to do, she was feeling strangely lost, she was unsure what she should do now. 'Aster, are you hiding from the problem?' Draco asked her.

"I'm relieving his death, I can see the spell and Cedric's body being flung back, I can hear my own scream, and I ran, I ran like a coward away from the problem because I don't want to deal with it." She whispered to him, closing her eyes, she knows she shouldn't run but seeing him had thrown her off, and it may have set her back just a bit.

'Maybe you should speak to him.' Draco suggested.

"No, he's not in any of my classes for one, I also don't know how to start that conversation." She muttered. Really, how was she meant to discuss a death of someone who looked exactly like the person who she had only seen today.

'Well, from what your text told me, they know about some of the Supernatural.' Draco stated.


'They're a different type of vampire, called the 'Cold Ones' and they actually don't drink human blood they drink animal blood, that's why their eyes are gold.' Draco says to her, Aster was frozen in place, shocked. They were vampires, almost like her, well, sort of. She was your traditional vampire, with the elongated fangs, blood red eyes, purple bruising under her eyes, the slightly pointed ears when her fox ears were hidden, and extremely pale skin.

"What?" She muttered again, and so Draco explained to her everything she needed to know, everything about the vampires living in Forks. So, she listened. It was interesting to learn about the differences they had, she really wanted to talk to one of them now, so with everything explained to her Draco hung up as he needed to finish packing, everything now sorted, he just had to get packed to move into their home.

Sighing Aster sat up and looked around the library to see Jasper, Rosalie, and Emmett sat together whispering to each other quietly. She took one giant breath in, she was nervous about going over to them, but she felt it was necessary to do so. So, she plucked up her Gryffindor courage and sat herself right down in front of the three vampires. "You're vampires." She blurted out, no tact whatsoever.

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