}-Chapter Three-{

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The following morning Aster was already awake by 5 in the morning, having been used to the early wake up calls so as to feed her, well, the Dursley's, they didn't deserve to be called family

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The following morning Aster was already awake by 5 in the morning, having been used to the early wake up calls so as to feed her, well, the Dursley's, they didn't deserve to be called family. Not ever. She was dressed in the clothing she had chosen last night, wearing black jeans, a grey chunky knit sweater, white sneakers, and Sirius's black leather jacket. She inhaled the scent of Padfoot, mourning the loss of a family member. She took one more breath in before shaking her head, she needed to go and sort somethings up in the attic before she had her breakfast.

Going upstairs, Aster grabbed one simple, old, and torn book 'The Tales of Beadle the Bard.' She held this like a lifeline, the book wasn't just any old book, it was a gift to her, from Death. With a few things changed, some notes if you will. She held the book to her chest before checking over her herbs, and miscellaneous potions. Draco having started teaching her potions better, he didn't want her to feel like she had to rely on him for anything she had to do, because she's her own person, and she had done everything by herself for years. Even when she had Granger and Weasley by her side.

When that was all finished, she made her way back to her room, putting her book into her bag, with that she swung her bag onto her shoulder and made her way down to the kitchen, she started to make herself some pancakes with peppermint tea as her drink. Sitting at the small table inside the kitchen, Aster quickly read through the newspaper, both muggle and wizarding, she wanted to keep up to date with everything in the world, no matter what. She laughed at the sight of the front-page news, the Prophet questioning where she had gone. She had to pat herself on the back for taking a muggle transport and another thank you note to Bloodclaw.

Finished with her breakfast and tea, she looked at the time, and decided it was best that she leave now to get to her new school. Grabbing her keys and an umbrella, Aster made her way out to her car, the rain was pitter pattering on the roof of her car as she drove towards the high school, once again she had Simple Plan playing through her car, but this time it wasn't a party it was just to help calm down her nerves. She knew that everyone would be staring at her, whispering about her, she was used to that though, it was the fact she didn't want people to come up to her and try and get her to tell her truths. Some people dig, and dig, and dig some more.

Parking in the schools allotted parking spaces for students, Aster took a deep breath in before steeling her nerves. She grabbed her bag, and slid out of her car, her bag slung on her shoulder, aviator sunglasses mask her cold grey eyes, she keeps a pureblood presence up as she walks towards the office. She didn't glance at anyone as she walked by, she wasn't really in the mood for it at all, she would deal with it once she was in classes or even never, that would be better.

Stepping into the freezing office, Aster made her way to the lady at the desk, placing her sunglasses atop her head. "Hello, I'm Aster Potter, the new student." She said with a smile on her face.

"Oh, hello dear, it's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Miss Michaels." The older woman greeted, Aster held her hand out to the woman and the two shook hands. Miss Michaels hands Aster her timetable, along with her locker combination and number, she had also given her a map of the school to help her find where she needed to go. Aster was thankful to see the map, but luckily this school wasn't a bloody magical castle that was sentient. That would have been so much fun, and truly it would have been, though she could live without the moving stairs, and the ghosts, and the moving armor, the talking portraits. Okay she wanted nothing magical in her new school.

"Oh, before I let you go dear, we also have another person joining today, her name is Isabella Swan, and she is the daughter of the Chief of Police here in Forks." Miss Michaels states smiling. "We were hoping for you two to become friends and stick together for your first day."

Aster blinked in surprise but nodded her head. "Alright, I'd love to meet her." Aster said honestly. Of course, if something felt off about the girl, Aster would still be nice, but she wouldn't call the girl in an emergency like her and Luna usually do, they wouldn't be best friends forever, or whatever they call it these days.

It wasn't long before Isabella Swan walked into the office, she had a very pale complexion with long, straight, dark brown hair, a widow's peak, unique chocolate brown eyes and a heart-shaped face with a wide forehead. Her eyes are large and widely spaced. Her nose is thin, and her cheekbones are prominent. Her lips are a bit too full for her slim jawline. Her eyebrows are darker than her hair and are straighter than they are arched.

Aster had to admit she was beautiful, but it seemed Isabella Swan did not think so.

The two girls were quickly introduced to each other. Aster wasn't sure what to make of the girl, to her she was a little plain to her, well anyone was plain compared to Aster, she's died, twice technically. First time she actually did but Death brought her back because of her mother's spell work. Second time was of course the Horcrux that Tom Riddle created by accident. The two girls were probably the opposite of each other in some way, but she could surprise herself, she needed to get to know the Swan girl.

Walking out of the office the two made their way down the walkways looking for their room numbers both incredibly lost. Constant stares were aimed at the pair, the outsiders... it only really stopped when a sweet, nerd-cute boy, appears in their path.

"You're Isabella Swan and Aster Potter, the new girls." He says holding his hand out to them to shake. Which Aster does out of politeness. "Hi. I'm Eric. The eyes and ears of this place. Anything you need. Tour guide, lunch date, shoulder to cry on."

Bella just looks at him. Aster was looking at her map, seeing the path she needed to take, she was older then the pair and had different classes to them.

"I'm kind of the 'suffer in silence' type." Bella states, muttering the sentence. She really didn't want anyone to help her with anything, she was used to doing it on her own.

"Good headline for your feature." Eric says to the girl. "I'm on the paper, and you're news, baby, front page." He says dramatically, a bright smile on his face.

"I – no, I'm not news – I'm, seriously, not at all." Bella says quickly eyes wide.

"Whoa, chillax. No feature." Eric says to her, calming the girls racing heart. Aster was still ignoring the pair, taking a bloodpop out of her pocket she sucked on the lollypop catching many of the boy's attention.

Bella sighs relieved the boy wouldn't put her on the paper. "Would you mind just pointing me toward Mr. Varner's class?" She questions.

"Hey, I'll see you at lunch, alright." Aster says to the brunette. Bella nods her head in understanding, as she watches the British girl walk through the throngs of teenagers. How Aster wasn't bothered by the stares was beyond Bella, but she respected that.

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