}-Chapter Ten-{

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Angela had asked Draco and Aster to join her at their table, she had wanted to see if they could help her come up with some ideas for the school newspaper

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Angela had asked Draco and Aster to join her at their table, she had wanted to see if they could help her come up with some ideas for the school newspaper. As the two talk with happy teen, they don't pay any mind to Bella as she glances over at the Cullen table, or more specifically, Edward. 'Don't look over here Edward, just focus on your siblings,' Aster thought, projecting it to him only. And so, he listened to her, after all he knew she was going to be there mother.

"La Push, baby. You in?" Eric asked suddenly.

"Should I know what that means?" Bella questioned, raising her eyebrow in confusion.

Even Aster and Draco were curious, of course they knew that La Push was the home of the shifters, and they were curious. Maybe they could learn a bit about how they shift, of course that meant telling them about themselves, so maybe they wouldn't learn anything.

"La Push beach, down on the Quileute rez. We're all going after school. Big swell coming in." Mike answered, smiling at the girl that so many were infatuated with, something that Bella didn't see.

"And I don't just surf the internet." Eric states as he jumps onto his chair, using it like a surfboard.

"Eric, you stood up once. On a foam board." Angela scoffed looking at the boy. Aster and Draco shared a look before the two got up wanting to get some more food.

"What do you think about La Push?" Draco asked his sister, wanting to know her thoughts about it.

Aster hummed softly as she started to speak to her brother, "it's almost like when we would swim at the Black lake, cold, damp, and creepy looking."

Draco nodded, "so are we going?" He asked her.

Aster hummed, "do you want to go?" she questioned.

Draco pursed his lips before nodding. "Yes, it might be a bit like home, and it would be nice to just have some time to ourselves," he stated.

"Then we shall go," Aster said with a big nod, smiling softly at her twin.

It was freezing at La Push beach, both Draco and Aster were of course prepared, both in heavy coats, and jeans, with heavy boots, the two even had thermos filled with tea. The two watched as Mike, Tyler, Jessica, and others suit up for a surf. Eric hangs with them. Bella wanders by the driftwood with Angela, who takes photographs.

The two twins were whispering to each other, just enjoying the sounds around them until someone shouted. "Bella!"

The group look over to see three Quileute boys approaching the group. Bella smiles at the sight of the boy who called out to her. "Guys, this is Jacob. Are you stalking me?" She questions joking with him.

Aster and Draco make their way over smiling at the group of boys. One of them though had caught Aster's attention, he was much taller and more defined then Jacob and the other boy. And she could feel the anger rolling off him in waves. He was most certainly a shifter. So, she watched him, curious of him, Draco saw what his twin was doing so he made sure to keep attention off her, not wanting the group to think she was strange.

"You're on my rez, remember? You surfing?" Jacob said smiling at the girl.

Bella scoffed before answering, "definitely not."

"Keep her company. Her date bailed." Jessica teased, a cheeky grin on her face.

"What date?" Eric asked.

"She invited Edward." Jessica answered, like it was no big deal, when she in fact believed it was after Bella informed her, but she calmed herself when telling the group about it.

"To be polite." Bella muttered.

"I think it's nice she invited him. No one ever does." Angela stated.

"Because Cullen's a freak." Mike scoffed, the group looked at the boy appalled, Draco nudging him with his elbow.

"You got that right." The man that Aster had been watching stated.

"You know them?" Aster asked, curious.

"The Cullens don't come here." He answered shortly, his tone sharp.

Jacob shoots the man a look, shakes his head. Bella registers this. And the twins sigh, knowing she was quite curious. "Dray, let's go check out the rock pools, maybe we can find something interesting." She whispered to her twin, all the while now ignoring the blatant look, she was getting from the man who answered her. 

He felt calm in her presence, and he didn't know why.

Draco nodded as the two linked arms and walked away from the group. "What do you think we will find?" He asked his twin, the two happy to look over the woods as they made their way to the rock pools.

"I'm not sure, you know I would love to find a Niffler though." She answered. 

Draco laughed, Aster had been quite enamoured with Niffler's ever since she learned of them in Hogwarts, wanting one for herself, she didn't mind that it would of course steal things, she just wanted one and she was actually happy to provide the creature with a room of its own filled with shiny trinkets. Skipping away from Draco, Aster climbed upon the rocks, curious of what she could find. She was still a Gryffindor at heart. 

They spent hours by the rock pools, even when everyone was ready to leave, the two were happy to stay and explore. She found many adorable sea creatures, cooing at the sight of them, she even found a turtle, something she was quick to take a picture of with her modified camera, a now moving image of the turtle was in her hand. Giggling the young witch stood up and waved to Draco who stayed a little further behind, he was a Slytherin still at heart.

Taking one step over the pool she was excited to find a little starfish chilling in the water. Smiling, she left the sweet creature before making her way slowly back to Draco, her adventuring done for the day.

And maybe one day she would come back and find a Niffler, or any other creature. But for now it was time to go home and have a warm dinner. 

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