Chapter 5. My Life

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*11 years later*

Andrew smiled as he watched his adopted sister, who they named Annabelle but call her princess, giggle at his two younger brothers arguing over god knows what. That little girl that their father brought home all those years ago has grown into a beautiful 15 year old girl, soon turning 16. She was still quiet and reserved but at least now she's a bit more open with her smiles and laughs. And what a beautiful laugh it is.

"No, cocoa puffs are way better than fruity pebbles!" Austin snapped at his older brother Andre.

"You, my brother, are delusional." Andre rolled his eyes.

"But it's chocolate!" Austin countered. The two continued to bicker while their sister continued to watch them with amusement glinting in her eyes.

"Enough!" Andrew finally cut then off. "Both of you are acting like children... Besides, Cheerios are the best." His younger brothers then gasped as if horrified by his statement. With a smirk on his face, Andrew gently took Annabelle's hand and lead her away from the kitchen.

"Are you ready?" He asked her.

"For what?" she spoke to him softly.

"Why, your first day of school! You'll be a junior this year, along with Austin. I feel for you."

Realization dawned upon her. "Oh. That's right. I begin tomorrow, I believe."

"Yup." Andrew smiled to himself. He never thought he'd see the day where his little sister would be going to an actual school. She has always been homeschooled, even if the boys went to school. It was a huge milestone for the entire family. The boys were a bit weary about her going. They knew how the male population was. And the beauty their sister possessed was surely to cause an uprising. And the girls there are just so crude.

That night all the teens fell asleep wondering what was waiting them the next day...

When it was morning, Annabelle jumped on Andrew, who was still asleep in bed while she was all dressed and ready for school. "Annabelle!" Andrew groaned.

"Andrew, it's time to get up for school or else you don't get any breakfast," she giggled.

"I'm up. I'm up. You're so lucky you make good pancakes or you would be so dead!" he muttered as he sat up in bed, running a hand through his hair. Annabelle smiled before hopping off the bed herself and walking down the stairs and into the kitchen where a plate of blueberry pancakes sat waiting for her. She hopped up onto a bar stool and took the can of whipped cream and sprayed a pattern on her pancakes. Annabelle then proceeded to devour her meal.

"I sure do hope you made us some." She heard her brother Andre's voice come from behind her.

All she did was nod her small head. After the four of them finished their breakfast, they all stood to leave for school. However, something caught the boys eyes.

"What are you wearing? Go change!" all three brothers said in unison. Annabelle furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. She thought her outfit was quite nice. A floral dress that came down to her knees with a grey cardigan and white flats.

"Do you not like my dress? Momma bought it for me." She frowned.

Austin's eyes widened. "No, no, no! It is lovely, princess, but the... boys in our school are quite... um... barbaric."

"And you're not?" the small girl countered. All three boys stood there speechless. They were at a loss for words. The dress was absolutely wonderful on their sister, but the boys at the high school might think the same exact thing. Annabelle frowned at them and walked out the door towards their car.

"Mom! Dad! Annabelle won't change!" Andre suddenly yelled.

"What are you hollering about you crazy child!" exclaimed Kevin, their father.

"Annabelle is wearing a dress!"

"Yes and...?" Kevin didn't really see the problem here.

Andrew rolled his eyes. "She's wearing a dress... to her first day of school... where there are boys..." he began to list off.


"Daddy! It is just a dress. Does it not look nice in me?" She pouted.

'Oh, not the face.' Kevin thought wearily. "No! You look beautiful, princess, but-"

"But? I don't see anything wrong. I'm wearing clothes. Now, take me to school now or I'm walking there on my own." She cut him off and put her foot down. Her family was being ridiculous. She's just wearing a dress.

The guys looked at each other and knew they were losing a battle here. She's not going to listen to them anytime soon. Andrew sighed in defeat before wrapping his arm around her shoulders guiding her to the car.

"This is gonna be hectic year."

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