Ch. 3 Come With Me

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It's been a week. A week since the little angel has even reused from her home that's been destroyed. The day has finally come for Kevin to leave. But... he couldn't. Something was holding him back. Or someone. He just couldn't bring himself to leave her here. He took a deep breath before entering the small room.

"Hey, princess..." Kevin cooed softly. "I have a very important question to ask you..." the little girl continued to gaze at him with curiosity. "Well, today if is the day that I leave this place. But... I want to bring you with me." He said softly while carefully reaching out to her. "Will you come with me?"

She stared at him for quite some time before wearily reaching out her tiny hand and placed it in his. Kevin smiled at her. "I promise you won't regret it."

Later that day, Kevin loaded a duffle bag into the vehicle while holding the small girl in his arms before placing her in a seat and buckling her up. 'Finally, I can go home.' Kevin took one last look at the base filled with men and women marching around. They were like a colony of ants. Everyone has something to do and a job to finish. With a relieved smile on his face, Kevin hipped into the car before it drove off to the nearest air base.

*20 hours later*

The plane landed with a jolt, causing Kevin to jump awake. The child seated beside him stirred but did not awaken. 'The poor girl must be burned out.' Kevin thought to himself sadly. He ignored as the flight crew continued to babble on and on about safety and other things.

When the seatbelt sign was finally shut off he stood up and gently lifted the child into his arms and grabbed his bag from the overhead compartment. He quickly exited the air craft and skipped the baggage claim as he only had one duffle bag.

His heart thumped in his chest as he sat in the taxi heading home. He wondered what his wife and children would think if the child in his arms. Would she not be as accepting as he had been? Would she turn the child away? No. She is not cruel. And even if that may be the case, he will not give out without a fight.

"I'll protect you. I promise."

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