Ch. 6 Odd

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The entire ride was filled with the three boys sulking and Annabelle obliviously nodding her head to the song playing on the radio.

'She's too innocent for her own good...' Andrew thought to himself while taking a glance at her through his rear view mirror.

Dread began to settle among the three brothers as they drove into the school parking lot. Negative thoughts began filling their over active heads. Andrew swiftly parked the car in a spot near the entrance, the perks of being popular. He then turned to his sister. "You be careful, okay? Don't take crap from anyone." Annabelle rolled her eyes before Austin opened the car door for her.

Annabelle climbed out of the car and smoothed down her dress. Andre then slung her bag over his shoulder and shut the door behind her. The four siblings then began walking towards the entrance of the school. On the way there they received a few side comments.

"Who the fûck is she?"

"Look, there's a new slût in town."

"I'd bang her!"

"Dude, she's so hot."

"Why can't I be as pretty as her?!"

"Hey, hottie! Wanna go out?"

The boys grew angry as the male population of their school began saying some crude and disturbing things about their princess. It took an absurd amount of self control to not turn around and beat those boys to a pulp. The only thing stopping then? Their sister. They don't want to expose we to that kinfolk of violence. Especially considering the place where she was found. Violence has to be avoided at all costs.

"Come on! Walk faster peasants!" Andre said speed walking ahead of them.

"Andre, for once in your life, try to be normal for your sisters sake!" Andrew reprimanded his crazy younger brother.

"I swear I'm the older one!" Austin then muttered underneath his breath. Annabelle giggled at him.

It was true. Andre was playful. A bit too playful in Annabelle's opinion. Austin was more mature than him, but not by much. Andrew was the 'Mr. Serious' of the group. Always frowning and disapproving. Although he does have his moments.

The two younger brothers continued to argue even when they arrived at the main office. Annabelle just continued to watch the pair bicker, throwing insults back and forth as she walked next to Andrew, not wanting to be caught in the midst of their petty argument. She's not even sure what they are fighting about anymore.

"Annabelle Blue." Andrew got straight to the point. He never really saw the purpose of beating around the bush nor did he believe in it. Anna, however, found it incredibly rude. So, she pinched his arm. Andrew frowned down at her with a frown, but she wasn't looking at him, only at secretary.

The secretary quickly scrambled to get her time table once she realized who was asking her. Annabelle watched the woman's reaction to her brothers very rude command. The secretary seemed to be scared of them as she continued to scramble about behind her desk. Annabelle couldn't help but wonder what caused her to react like this.

"Here you are. Have a good day!" The secretary said in an overly cheery voice with a sickly sweet smile to go with it.

'What an odd place...' Annabelle thought to herself.

"Let's go, princess." Andre slung his arm around her shoulders as they all started to her locker. Walking down the hallways, Annabelle began noticing the different types of people. There were girls wearing clothes that she didn't even think they made in that size, boys who were loud and very inappropriate, then those who were so absorbed in themselves in the mirror of their lockers, then there were those who were brining PDA to a whole new level. She quickly diverted her eyes as a couple got a bit too frisky.

"Ah, here we are. Here's your locker!" Austin's said cheerfully. They quickly put away some things before they began walking to her first class, which she happens to share with Austin.

"Be safe, okay? I'll see you later." Andrew said before gently kissing her in her forehead, Andre following in his brothers steps and walked down the hallway to a clad of his own.

"Okay. Time to learn!"

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