Ch.11 Laser eyes

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Throughout the whole period, Anna felt someone burning holes into the back of her head with their stare. The intensity of the stare itself made her begin to fidget uncomfortably in her seat.

If the person stared any harder, lasers just might shoot out of their eyes like superman. The humorous thought made Anna smile a little.

The image of one of her schoolmates shooting red lasers out of their eyes caused the smile to grow just a tiny bit larger before she quickly wiped it off her face completely and tried to compose herself.

She didn't want her classmates to think that she was laughing at nothing like a lunatic. She wanted to make friends and how was she to make friends if everyone labeled her as sick in the head.

For the rest of the class, Anna tired to ignore the stare but it was almost impossible. It was as if it was demanding her whole undivided attention to be focused on it and it only. But she had a lecture to listen to and notes to take if she wanted to pass this class.

But passing was not her goal. Her goal was to be at the top to stick out to the high end colleges which she could most likely not afford. She wanted to get out of this town as soon as humanly possible.

The stare seemed to intensify. This person surely has lasers shooting out of his eyes by this point. She never thought she'd live the day superman's story came to life on earth. Anna felt herself sag in relief when she heard the bell ring, signaling the end of class.

She hurriedly packed all her stuff in her bag before heading to her last class, which was actually a free period, so she was quite lost at the moment.

'What do people usually do during their free period? Where do I go?' she wondered as the tardy bell rang and the hallways cleared out.

She began grumbling to herself in frustration before heading towards the office to ask for directions. How embarrassing... Anna's mouth opened in a silent scream as someone randomly grabbed her arms and pinned her to the lockers.

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