Ch. 7 Hello

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It was quite a while before the actual teacher came in to the class room. 'Teachers can be late to their own class?' Anna thought to herself. 'This is a strange place indeed...'

Once the teacher was settled in he quickly shushed the class down. "Calm down class. You're all talking as if you haven't seen each other yesterday. Sheesh. I know they say to cherish every moment but jeez, you guys bring it to a whole new level..."

Anna couldn't help but giggle silently in her seat. The teacher was quite funny. She then decided she liked this teacher, he seemed nice enough. With his dark, wavy hair and warm brown eyes, he couldn't be a day over 25. The teacher, who she then figured his name was Mr. Thompson, walked over to the white board and began writing on it.

He then clapped his hands loudly, causing a few students to jump in their seats, including Anna. "Today, we begin a new lesson!" His voice was overly enthusiastic, as if he knew that no one would be happy about this.

A few students groaned in disappointment. They were actually going to learn. Anna on the other hand was happy to see what a learning environment was really like. Her brothers made it seem awful but she couldn't help but be curious as to what goes on in a classroom.

For the next hour, Mr. Thompson talked about literature and how it can really affect a person. Anna loved literature and books and reading and everything about it. There's just something that gets her all riled up while reading. The book can be in various genres. Action, mystery, romance, teen fiction, horror - although she tends to lean away from that as she grew up being prone to nightmares- and much more. The words in the page always seemed to dance and come to life right before her eyes. When emotions are being said in a story, she feels it as if it were her own feelings. Her family thinks she gets way too into it, but she can't help it. It's in her blood to love it.

She was quite sad that the period ended, but knew that there are other classes in this place that she must attend.

"So, do you hate it yet?" Austin broke her train if thought.

Anna stared at him confused. What should she be hating at the moment?

The youngest brother rolled his eyes at her. "Do you hate school yet? 'Cause I cannot stand this place."

"Quite the opposite actually. I like it here." she smiled at him.

His jaw dropped and was practically scraping the floor. "I swear you are not if this planet. You are an odd one, that's for sure," he threw a quick glance at het", but I still love you, Princess." And with that, slung his arm over her shoulder and continued their way down the hall way towards her next class, which he didn't share with her, sadly.

When they stopped outside her classroom Austin turned to face her. "Be careful okay? No talking to boys!" he scolded quickly before pecking her forehead and walking towards his own class. Taking a deep breath, she finally entered the room. Even if the class was only half way full, she felt nervous as all their gazes focused in on her. Anna felt her face heat up before walking over to the teachers desk.

"Hello, sir," she started softly ", I'm new here, and I was wondering if you could let me know what the class had been previously learning?"

The teacher looked up at her and smiled. "Ah, yes. Well, we just covered World War 1 and are moving on to the Great Depression."

Anna nodded her head in thanks and turned towards the desks. Her mind went blank. 'Where on earth am I supposed to sit?' she wondered to herself.

She turned to her right to look around but bumped into a wall. A startled gasp escaped her lips as she began to fall. Her eyes squeezed shit and braced herself for impact... but it never came. Two warm arms had wrapped themselves around her waist to prevent her from falling. Slowly she opened her eyes to come face to face to possibly the handsomest male she has ever seen. He had dark wavy locks that was messy, as if he ran his fingers through it repeatedly and these grey eyes that seemed to burn into her soul. After realizing their rather awkward position, she quickly launched herself out of his arms.

"I am terribly sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going and... and... I'm sorry." she stuttered.

The male looked as if he was in a daze for a moment before a blank look overtook his face. "It's fine." He then walked off towards the back and took a seat in the corner.

'Well hello to you too....'

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