(15) Castle Walls

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Castle Walls

Chapter Fifteen


Well, look what we have here. It’s a new chapter! Yay! So happy! But, the question is, will this chapter be happy-fun times? Or sad times? Either way, it’s a chapter, but it’s a bit small.  But, anyways, this one features Mrs. Rain, Angel’s mommy. So, that’s why her picture is on the side! Also, the song is “Because of You” by Kelly Clarkson. Kelly wrote this about her mother, so there’s your explanation for it until you read the chapter below!

Thank you all for reading, please click the vote button to the side, leave a comment below and I hope you enjoy the chapter!


                Dave’s was packed as I started to leave, seeing as how Dylan and I got milkshakes every once in a while down there. Occasionally, we would order a burger and just eat lunch there. We had started that after that party weeks ago. Now, it was a constant in my life.

                I walked through my front door, happy and in my own mind. At first, I didn’t even register that my mother’s car was in the drive way as I pulled up to the house. What was she doing here? And why was she here? She was always working. It was just so unusual for her to be here.

                No matter, I continued into the house, heading straight for the stairs to my room. But, when I opened the door to my room, I realized something.

                Something was wrong.

                I kept everything in a specific order in my room ranging from clothing to books. My books had been messed with, my cloths pulled to the wrong side in the closet, and my comforter on my bed hanging at an odd angle.

                I jumped for my bed and reached under my mattress, feeling for the small book Dylan had given to me for my birthday a little over two weeks before. I had written so much. Where had it gone!?

                “Angel, could you come down here?” my mother yelled from below. I turned my head and made a face. She couldn’t possibly have it. Why would she? There was no reason for her to go through my room. Why would she even look?

                When I got to the bottom of the stairs I saw my mother, beautiful and polite but giving off a cold tone with her body language. I shivered just looking at her. She looked me up and down. But, on the couch with it’s back to me was a blond head. One I recognized well.


                She turned her head and smiled an evil smile. “Hello Angel. Won’t you sit down?”

                “What are you doing here? How the hell did you contact my mother? And what did you say?”

                She just smiled.

                “Josie here has told me everything,” my mother said. She gave me a stern look. “Sit. We need to talk.”

                “There’s nothing to talk about,” I said, plopping down on the chair anyways. This was going to be long, and I wanted to not come off as scared, which was exactly what I was. She knew. I saw it in her disapproving stares. They had never been this intense. Oh God, I don’t think I can breathe.

                “Angel, Josie Logan here came to inform me on something you have not said to either me or your father. Now, I thought this was just a faze, but I found this,” she pulled out my diary from her purse, “in your room. I decided a little look wouldn’t hurt, but then I read it. I can see how serious your case is, Angel. So, I invited Josie here for a little intervention.”

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2013 ⏰

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