(10) Castle Walls

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Castle Walls

Chapter Ten


It is currently almost one AM and I am proud to say that chapter ten of Castle Walls has been finished and uploaded onto Wattpad! Christmas Eve, baby! Well, tomorrow brings a new update, hopefully, and the release of my new story, The Goblin Prince. No, it isn't girlxgirl or boyxboy and has very little romance in it anyways, but I hope I will at least have a few readers for that one as well.

Now, the picture on the left is of two characters I will reveal at the end of this chapter. But, the two in the picture are Alex Pettyfer and Avril Lavigne. They look as if they could be....can't say it yet. Just read.

Also, the song for this chapter is.....

How You Remind Me by Nickelback!!!!!!! I love this song! You will understand near the end of this chapter. Now, please enjoy my lovely story as I go write and listen to Nickelback!


It wasn’t two weeks later that we felt very comfortable around each other. We started eating lunch together and just talking during English. Nobody questioned it, seeing as how we had to spend all that time together. To them, we had just become best friends. We were the cheerleader and the dancer. Nobody suspected anything.

                That is, until the third week of our relationship.

                A boy had moved to our small town, a very polished and clean boy. I could tell he was gay. There was no denying it, plus I had an amazing gay radar. Even if I couldn’t tell about Dylan, I was normally very good at it. If I had studied her a bit more, I would’ve noticed that, especially if she had actually associated with more people. But, the second I saw this boy, I knew he was gay.

                He was too clean and much too dressy to by straight. I even noticed how he never actually looked at girls. And, when he did, it was normally at their outfits when his eyes would light up or show distaste.

                “I’m Cameron,” he said, smiling when he first met me.

                I looked him up and down suspiciously. “Angel Rain,” I said, noting everything about him into my mind.

                “Angel, eh? Well, seeing that you’re a cheerleader, I can tell that you can tell me more about the school. Would you mind showing me around?” he asked, looking nervous. I remember being like that.

                I bit my lip. “Hold on.” I turned my head. “Dylan, come here.” Dylan strode towards us, closing her locker in the process. “Do you want to help me show new guy around?”

                Dylan smiled. “We’d be happy to.”

                While on our little tour, I learned that Cameron was only a year behind us, a junior at the age of almost seventeen, coming up the next January. I watched where his eyes went, being sure to tell the poor gay boy who to stay away from in this school. The people here were very gossipy and demeaning people. If you sneeze in class, everyone will know. I had always taken pity on the weaker ones, gays being the ones I most felt sorry for. I was able to cover it up, to hide it.

                Others felt the need to come out.

                Only a few others at the school were gay, five to be exact, from whom I’ve met other than Dylan, Cameron and I, three guys and two girls. Nobody needed to know that, though. Nobody needed to know that I pitied them, either.

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