(2) Castle Walls

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Castle Walls

Chapter Two


I drove the entire way home with music blasting from my stereo of my expensive car my mother had bought me for my sixteenth birthday almost two years before. I was always complaining that I needed a new car, but I wouldn’t trade this car in for anything. It had history for me.

                The large house was quiet as I entered, as it always was. I was an only child because my mother didn’t want to ‘raise’ another child, especially the way I came out, I guess. To her, I was a spoiled brat that was too independent for her own good. To my father, I was his angel, his little girl that was perfect in every way. It was too bad he wasn’t here now.

                My phone began ringing, bringing me to take my phone from my jacket pocket that I had put on after getting into my car. I loved my jacket. It made me feel safe and secure, unlike everything else.

                “Yes, Jason?”

“Are you ready yet?” It was the same question he had been asking me since we started ‘dating’ a month ago. He would ask if I was ready to have sex yet, but, the truth is, the furthest I’ve ever gone with a boy is making out. I never allowed it to go past that and allowed the entire high school to think I had sex with every guy I dated instead of letting them know I was just a weak little virgin.

                “No Jason, I’m not ready. Go ahead and keep telling your little friends that we did it, but no, I’m not ready.”

                “Jesus girl, you’re the first that hasn’t been begging to get a piece of this.” I knew he was probably outlining his body with his hands right then like he would in person, but it was just annoying. He was annoying. Any boy who did that was annoying.

                “Whatever, Jason. I’ll see you at school tomorrow.”

                “Oh, the guys and I are supposed to go to the movies tomorrow. Want to go?”

                “I can’t. I have to have dance lessons after school tomorrow.”

                And with that, Jason hung up. I never liked the boy, but I wouldn’t blow my cover over not having a boyfriend. It was a rather bad thing to blow your cover when you’re as popular as me.

                Grabbing a chocolate bar, the only sweet thing my mother allowed me to have because she ‘cared’ about me, I made my way up the marble staircase in this mansion like house, and to my rather large room, where I locked myself in before blasting music and finishing my homework. I needed to get out of this town, after all.


School was normal, in a way. As I walked down the hallway, people parted so I was able to walk in a straight line. They were all afraid of me, head cheerleader and bitch of the school. If anyone did anything to slightly anger me, I would slash them with my vicious words. Ass kicking was for the people who overly angered me.

                I made my way to my green locker, twisting the dial and opening the door to reveal what was on the inside. My name was made out of letters cut out from magazines and pictures of me and my team mates. I had no real friends that actually knew me that well, I guess.

                The only friends I had were the people I had to talk to during our breaks at practice and the jocks that talked to me during class. Other than that, I was more of a loner, someone who was just there and snapped comments at others.

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