Castle Walls (girlxgirl)

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Castle Walls

Chapter One

 (Warning, this story is girlxgirl, so if you feel strongly about not liking this pairing, don't read. This is my story and I prefer homophobes to please make a calm and orderly exit from my story immedietly. Any hurtful, homophobic comments will be deleted immedietly. Thank you and enjoy)

This is for Cookie, who, even though she couldn't finish hers, drove me to write mine. Thank you Cookie!

                “Let’s go Panthers, let’s go! Let’s go Panthers, let’s go!” we yelled, our cheers reaching across the football field. Coach Anderson was yelling at us, telling us to pick up the pace. We moved to the next cheer routine.

                “Girls, I’ve seen better at juvenile schools with fake coaches! Get moving!”

                We started with back flips on the field, letting other girls move past us while we flipped. Finally, when I finished my flips with my line of cheer leaders, we moved to the front, ready to bring us all into a pyramid position. Once on the pyramid, I lifted my leg up, being right on top. I was, after all, the head cheerleader.

                “Ladies, I’m bored out of my mind! Get some water and get over here so I can talk to you,” Coach Anderson yelled into her megaphone. I fell back to the girls at the bottom, who caught me about four feet from the ground.

                “Angel, catch!” someone yelled to me, throwing me my red water bottle. I took a drink from the water bottle.

                “Thanks, Cassidy!” I called back, vaguely remembering my team mate’s name.

                Coach Anderson called us all over to her spot on the bleachers. She had us stand, as always. Her famous saying was, “No pain, no gain.” So she made us stand all during practice, not allowing us to rest until practice was finished.

                “Today, girls, we have ourselves a new member. Dylan, get out here!” A blond girl came out from behind the bleachers. She had to be new to the school because even though I didn’t know everyone’s names, I certainly knew every face. Her face was entirely new to me.

                This girl gave an angelic smile. “Hello, girls. I’m Dylan, as you heard, and I will be helping you with your choreography for your routines.” Despite her blond hair, the first thing I noticed was her clothing type. She wore a green track suit, green that resembled the school dark green, with black stripes down the legs and arms. They were our school colors.

                The third thing I noticed was her eyes. They were a deep blue that held not only secrets, but innocence.

She was beautiful.

                “Dylan here, despite her boyish name, was the runner up for a national dancing competition last year.”

                “And why would we want a runner up?” I snapped at Coach Anderson.

                Dylan stepped forward. “Because the only reason I got second place was because my competition tripped me during my routine and the judges didn’t see it. They swear up and down that if I didn’t trip I would’ve won.”

                My face remained neutral, but I felt rather embarrassed on the inside. It was what every mean girl felt on the inside after they say something mean and someone says something to them back.

                Coach Anderson stared at me with those hard, gray eyes. “Angel, since you enjoy being a smart mouth, you shall be one of the few who will get privet lessons with this young lady.”

                “But, Coach, I’m the best dan-“

                “And you don’t think I know that, Angel? It’s better to have someone like you to train with her and get some hands on teaching with her rather than being in a large group. Now, you will train with Dylan Waltz or you will be kicked off the cheer squad for the rest of the year.”

                This shut my mouth. I wasn’t about to lose my status over some new girl that wanted to teach us how to dance. Being a cheerleader was my only way to be popular, to keep people from noticing certain things about me. This Dylan girl could make or break me, and I wouldn’t allow her to break me.

                “Fine,” I said, crossing my arms over my chest with an attitude. “I’ll dance with her, but it won’t improve anything, even if this girl says she’s half as good as she thinks she is.”

                The smile on Dylan’s face grew into a smirk. “Want to bet?”

                “Bring it, bitch.”

                Coach spoke up, “Whoa, whoa girls, save it for the dance floor. You will meet tomorrow after school in the choir room and every other day that we have school. That’s the only room we have mirrors in other than the bathroom.”

                “I know that, Coach, but, come on. I don’t need these lessons.”

                “Frankly, Miss Angel Rain, I think you do.”

                Dylan stepped between us. “I think it’s time for practice to either continue or be dismissed, Coach. You won’t want to be continuing this fight.” The blond gave me a hard stare.

                Staring back at her for a moment, I turned, my dark brown, almost black, ponytail flipping a bit, and walked toward the other end of the field, away from my team mates and towards my freedom. I didn’t like being talked down to like that. She didn’t know who I was. I didn’t think she ever would.

                I stepped into my car, slamming the door. I sat there for a few minutes; waiting for something I didn’t know what. Ten minutes passed and most of my team mates had already left in their own cars, either their own car or their friend’s cars. I was one of the few who remained to think. I honestly didn’t want anything to do with Dylan. But why would Coach make me go with her in the first place?

                A car engine turned on to my left. When I looked out my window, Dylan was a few car spaces over in a crappy looking truck with a bright red paint job. She looked exhilarated, petting the dashboard of her car.

                Dylan was a queer girl.


Well, this is my first girlxgirl story so I don't know how this will go. This is new for me, but I wanted to write this story so bad. Also, the song for this story is 'Castle Walls' by T.I., featuring Christina Aguliera. The song is to the right of this story, so please listen and enjoy. Yes, this story will mostly be about Angel and her POV, and maybe I'll add a chapter or two of Dylan's, but I make no promises that I can't keep.

Thank you and I hope you enjoyed and keep reading.

Peace, love, and beauty,

Nicky. <3

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