(6) Castle Walls

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Castle Walls

Chapter Six


“Don’t be shy! Just have some fun!” Dylan yelled, splattering green paint on my walls. I stood there in an old pair of sweats and a gray tee shirt, my dark brown pair bulled in a messy bun, looking at Dylan as if she belonged in a little place I like to call Crazy Town. Honestly, painting things like this was for little kids. Her eyes were big and a vibrant blue while mine were a dull brown, just watching her splatter paint on my walls.

                I had gotten a knock on my door at about eleven to discover Dylan with about five different paint buckets, telling me to get dressed in some old clothing I didn’t like while she was dressed in a pair of jean shorts and a white tee shirt with the word Trouble on her shirt in big, sparkly letters.

                “Why are we doing this?” I asked, not understanding her and her blondness one bit.

                “Because you need to loosen up.” She stopped and looked at me. She then proceeded to drag me to the middle of the room and pick up a paint brush covered in purple paint. “See this paint? Splatter it against the wall.” The brush was now placed in my hand.

                I stared at it for a minute, looking at the brush like it was going to eat me. Then, I felt myself lift my hand and move it swiftly in the air, splattering the purple paint across my white walls. I had never been allowed to do this as a child. Mom hated the smell of paint and the thought of getting messy.

                Then again, Mom wasn’t very supportive of what I wanted, but what she wanted.

                “See, don’t you feel better?” I turned to face Dylan, but found myself splattered with blue paint. Thank goodness my mouth was closed or that would’ve ended really badly. But, I wasn’t about to get my revenge.

                Taking my brush, I found the nearest paint can and dipped my brush it, then proceeded to cover my newfound friend in paint. Continuing, we ran across the covered floor, covering each other, and the walls, in multiple colors of paint. Sometime during the paint war, Dylan ran up and hugged me, then ran her hands, which had been submerged in paint, over my face, covering my face in green and yellow to go with the blue on my face. I did the same with the purple and red paint to her, also combing my paint-y hands through her yellow hair, making her yell out, giggling in the process. I smiled, making me feel accomplished. My first paint war and I was having a blast.

                I heard someone’s throat being cleared coming from the door while I had Dylan in a headlock, making me drop the blond to the ground to look at my mother. Looking like a mess, I straightened and gained my composure, feeling silly.

                “I was wondering why all of your furniture was out in the hallway. What are you doing, Angel?” she snapped.

                “Um…experimenting?” I said, fumbling over my words.

                Dylan chose this time to stand up. “Hello, you must be Mrs. Rain. I’m Dylan Waltz, Angel’s friend. She speaks very highly of you, ma’am.” I gave Dylan a look.

                Dylan was given a critical look by my mother. “Were you the one to have my daughter paint her room like this?” she asked, coldly. I gulped.

                “Yes, ma’am. Angel just needed to get her mind off of her studies and cheerleading. I suggested painting her room and I brought over some paint and things just got a bit out of hand. I’m sorry for any inconvenience, Mrs. Rain.” This was a new side of Dylan I hadn’t seen before. I wasn’t sure if I liked it either.

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