A New Life

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15 Years Ago

Earth Prime

A machine beeped wildly, startling Peter from his daze. The heart rate monitor next to his bed went crazy, prompting nurses and doctors to come pouring into the room in a hurry. They surrounded him, all speaking at once to him and each other. He was slowly being suffocated by the company, and his mind started to overload again. He felt the chafing tube down his throat, and his hands went desperately to it in order to remove it from his mouth. Several hands gripped his own, making him thrash even more. As he frantically moved around trying to escape, he felt a drowsy feeling flowing through his veins. He tried to resist, but Peter slowly succumbed to sleep once again.

In his slumber, he slowly started to assimilate the body's memories. And the boy who he was now was probably just as unlucky as the old him.


The body who he now inhabited, was coincidentally called Peter as well. His full name was Peter Wayne, and he was the child of a billionaire named Bruce Wayne. He was born and raised in Gotham City, a city that he didn't remember existing in his old world. As far as he could tell, he was born to Bruce and a young woman named Selina Kyle. Unfortunately, he was a mistake, one they didn't account for. He was born when they were only fifteen, and his father tried desperately to hide his existence from the rest of the world. His mother, young and foolish, just dumped him on his rich father and walked away back to her life. Luckily, both of them were orphans, so there were no angry grandparents in the equation.

His father, the year he was born, left the house and even the city. Peter was left at Wayne Manor by himself, the only company he had being the family butler, Alfred Pennyworth. Alfred was the only reason that Peter was still alive. He was a reclusive child, and Alfred filled the role of father, mother, and doting grandparent. Peter was homeschooled, and quickly proved himself as big a genius, if not bigger, than his father. He was a quiet child, who was surprisingly mature for his age. Alfred was his saving grace in this life.

When he was eleven, his father came back. Peter was excited to meet him, but Bruce barely spent any time with him at all. It was only later that Peter discovered what Bruce was doing. One day, Peter, extremely curious about what his father was doing, followed him down a secret passageway behind the grandfather clock. The stairs led down to a huge cavern under the manor. There, Peter found his father sitting down in front of a massive computer with several large screens. However, that wasn't what startled him. It was what he was wearing.

He was wearing a large black bodysuit

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He was wearing a large black bodysuit. A cape adorned his shoulders, and he could see the helm that was down over his back. The white eyes and the pointed ears made him absolutely sure about it. His father was The Batman, the new, up and coming vigilante in Gotham City. He quickly, but quietly, ran out from there. Later that night, he confessed what he did to Alfred, who soothed his feelings and swore not to tell Bruce about Peter finding out.

It had been two years since the Batman had started operating, and Peter was currently 13 years old. He had been climbing a tree at the manor, but collapsed to the ground when the tree shattered. The branch he was on crumbled, and the trunk of the tree fell on top of him. He remembered brief flashes of Alfred rushing him to the hospital.

When his eyes opened once more, he found a tall, thin, balding man sleeping on the chair next to his bed. He didn't have a tube down his throat anymore, but his throat was more sore than ever.

"Al-Alfred," he croaked.

Alfred shot up from his sitting position and was next to his bedside in a blink.

"Master Peter!" Alfred fretted, frantically moving his arms up and down, clearly not knowing where to put them. This open display of worry made Peter smile.

"Water," he muttered, and a glass was quickly thrust into his hand. He shakily brought it up to his mouth, and took careful sips. Peter knew that he couldn't have too much in one go, so he slowly handed half the glass back to Alfred.

"My dad?" he asked softly.

Alfred's face told the whole story. He pursed his lips and looked away. Alfred knew that Bruce wasn't a bad man. In fact, he might as well be the best man he had ever met. He was, however, a lousy father. Bruce was too caught up in his own brand of justice to spend time with his family. Alfred was sure that he would grow out of it, and desperately hoped it wasn't too late for Peter. But looking at the closed eyes and clenched fists of his young charge, a sinking sensation echoed through his gut.

Peter had hoped that his father would come to visit him, but it seemed that was too much to hope for. While Peter Wayne, as well as Peter Parker, would have forgiven him, and tried once again to talk to him, the Otto Octavius side of him vehemently disagreed. He knew that he had become colder than either of the other personalities, but this time, a little aggression was maybe needed.

"No more," he whispered. Louder he repeated himself. "No more, Alfred. I can't do this anymore."

"Master Peter?" Alfred asked, hoping against hope that what he imagined wasn't the case.

"I'm sick and tired of this, Alfred. I can't do this anymore. I want to leave Gotham."

Alfred was shocked. "Master Peter, you're in shock. Perhaps we can-"

"No!" Peter shut down that line of thought. "I've been thinking about this for a while. I've been pining for my father to pay attention to me, for my mother to come back for me, like a child pining for candy. I'm not willing to do that anymore." He sniffed, and wiped his eyes. "My father has a noble mission, Alfred. He's trying to save the city. I can't be selfish and try to get him to stop for me. That would be the height of foolishness and self-importance. So, the only logical option would be for me to go."

Alfred was silent for a while, desperately trying to find a counter point. He knew it was a valid point, but Peter was still very young. He might have been a genius, but he was only thirteen. He didn't feel comfortable sending him away so young, something he made clear to Peter.

"Then send along someone you trust," Peter responded with a little smile. He knew that he was slowly convincing Alfred. "I'm not gonna ask you to come, because dad would probably self destruct without your presence, but I wouldn't mind a butler in my new home. Besides, I can probably write those high school exams right now, and go straight for college."

"And where exactly do you plan to move, Master Peter?"

Peter already had a destination in mind. A very familiar place. "New York, of course."


Hey guys!

This is BuddyBoy27 back with another chapter. I've got some ideas in place for this story, so tell me what you think.

Before you all comment, this is not a Batman/Catwoman bashing story. Both of them were young, and not very responsible. Batman was way more focused on his mission when he was young, than his family. It was only when Dick was adopted that his focus started shifting, something that will reflect in this story too. Both Batman and Catwoman will be redeemed later on.

Thank you for all the votes and engagement, guys! Please read and review to tell me what you think.


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