The Rise of The Spider

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15 Years Ago

Earth Prime

It had been three months since Peter debuted as a vigilante again. At first, public opinion was pretty skewed against him, what with him being an illegal vigilante and all. However, Peter didn't let that stop him. He operated whenever he had spare time, be it in the day, in the evening, or even at night. He openly stopped collisions and caught criminals, gaining attention in the public eye.

This world was just getting used to the new dynamic of super-powered individuals. While Gotham was known as the city with the highest crime rate, most people knew that Batman wasn't a supernatural entity, but was just a man. In contrast, Metropolis had a new hero whom the Daily Planet nicknamed 'Superman'. They had come up with catchy slogans about him, saying that he was 'faster than a speeding bullet', 'the pinnacle of heroism', etc.

Central City, meanwhile, also had a guardian in The Flash, a blur that was seen zipping around and stopping crime. There were very few pictures of The Flash, in contrast to Superman, but he was already being called the 'Scarlet Speedster'. The Central City Citizen was widely proclaiming that he was their mascot.

In response, New York City found the perfect opportunity to market their hero instead. 'The Spider', as he was called, became an instant hit and sensation among the citizens of the city, and the New York Herald started their campaign to position him as one of the greatest heroes on the planet.

Peter had found himself talking to the press after a particularly dangerous bank robbery. He had just finished webbing the criminals up after stopping the heist, when he was approached by a reporter for the Herald.

"Spider!" she shouted. "Can we have a moment of your time?"

Peter pondered it for a moment. He had never been particularly friendly with the press in his old life. Jonah's smear campaign still echoed through his mind. However, this was a new world, with a new start, and maybe he could have a decent portrayal in the public eye this time.

"Sure," he replied. "I have a few minutes to spare."

"Great!" she exclaimed. The cameraman behind her was filming his face, being the first time they could get footage on the Spider without him swinging away. Peter was wearing a modified Spider-Man suit which was a different style from his usual one. Instead of the blue on his old suit, he'd changed it to black, signifying his change in mentality. It was also the colour scheme that Otto used, and regardless of how much he hated the man, Otto was still a part of Peter. In contrast, Peter had added a large golden Spider on his chest, indicating a new life. He'd imagined it to be the colour of dawn. It also drew attention to the chest and back area, which were the most heavily armoured parts of the design.

 It also drew attention to the chest and back area, which were the most heavily armoured parts of the design

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(Author's Note: I love the No Way Home Integrated suit, and i think it's perfect for my new Spidey.)

"You've been doing this for around three months, correct?" she began without hesitation.

"That is correct," Peter nodded.

"What made you decide to do this, then? I mean, we know that you have superhuman powers, but why go around helping people?"

"Well, my uncle had a saying that he would tell me. He said that 'with great power, there must also come great responsibility'. He meant that if you have the ability to help people, somehow, you had a moral obligation to do so. So that's what I try to live by."

"Inspiring words," she commented, impressed. "But by being a vigilante, don't you think that you're undermining our society's justice system? Why don't you just join the police department instead?"

Peter chuckled. "I don't think I'm undermining anything. I have great respect for the justice system of this fine city and the nation. That's why I leave the perpetrators to be arrested by the police and arraigned by the courts. The police are the real heroes. I'm just giving them a helping hand to make sure that they aren't hurt as much. Unfortunately, as a powered individual, I can't take risks with my safety for the good of myself and the rest of the world. While most people are genuinely nice, I think that there are people who are unscrupulous. If I take off this mask, and join the police, I'll be putting the lives of myself and my family in jeopardy, and they might attempt to dissect and clone me. Imagine a hundred murderers with my powers. Not pretty, right? Maybe there'll come a time when I can remove my mask, but until I'm assured of there being no risk, this is the most expedient way that I can help people."

"I suppose you're right," she replied thoughtfully. "One last question before we let you go, where did your powers come from? Were you born with them, or what?"

"No, I wasn't born with them," Peter answered. "I was accidentally bitten by a genetically modified spider, and woke up the next day with these powers. I know it sounds strange, but I'm afraid that's what happened. Now, I do think I need to keep moving."

"Right. Thank you for your time, Spider!" she greeted.

Peter nodded at her, and the camera, before launching a web and swinging away.

The reporter turned back to the camera with her microphone, and spoke into it. "That's right, ladies and gentlemen, we just had the first ever live interview with New York's very own superhero, The Spider. This is Evangeline Gibson for the Herald Daily, back to you in the studio, George!"


Alex and Allison were hanging around the apartment for the day. Today was a holiday because of the upcoming particle accelerator launch in the Spaken Labs, and their entire science faculty at the university were at the lab to help decode the data from the experiment. Alex and Alison had discovered that he was particularly rich after visiting his penthouse earlier, and had quickly declared that it would be their new hangout spot. They'd come tonight so that they could watch the launch of the accelerator on television.

They all sat around as Jeff Spaken, head of the facility, gave his speech on TV. He assured everyone that the experiment had been checked and double checked, and that it was completely safe. With that, he declared the accelerator open. As he spoke, a loud hum echoed from behind him, where the facility was located. The particle accelerator had launched, and Peter, Alex, and Alison all cheered.

"The future is here!" Jeff Spaken declared.

Around forty five minutes later, Peter and his friends all sat around doing different things. Alice had gone out to the store, Allison was testing a new neural interface Peter and Alex were working on, Peter was fiddling with a touch screen phone, stealthily channeling his bioelectricity at low quantities into it, and Alex was playing a video game. Suddenly, a loud blast rang out from the city. All three of them turned, stunned, but before they could react, a wave of yellow energy exploded out from the accelerator, and struck them when it passed. All of them were shot around the room, launched into the walls, and knocked out. Little did they know, they weren't the only ones in the city affected.


Hey guys!

This is the latest chapter. It'll be continued in the next part. I know, I know. I've taken a lot of it from The Flash show, but I have a plan here.

I've got some questions about what's happening in 616, but I won't be going back to it for a while. I'm planning to do a time skip after the Justice League assemble to talk about 616, but we've got a few chapters to go before that.

Don't forget to read and review! I want to know what you think!

- BuddyBoy27

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