The Journey

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Unknown Time

Unknown Place

Peter and the monster tumbled through a wormhole. The psychedelic experience did nothing good for Peter's already shaky sanity, and he was still pinned to the giant beast which could have squashed him flat. Colours swirled in and out of his vision, and he could vaguely make out a bunch of different images, all going by so fast that even his enhanced senses and genius intellect had no time to properly register them.

He felt a tug on his arm, and looked up to see the creature still roaring. They must have been moving well past the speed of sound, because although the beast's mouth was open, Peter didn't hear its characteristic roar. It launched a spiky fist at him, but Peter used whatever energy he had to push his feet down on the creature's chest and dodge the punch. The deflection pushed both of them away from each other, to the walls of the tunnel.

Peter instinctively reoriented his body in a straight line, as if in a swan dive, but the creature flailed about in the only emotion it seemed to show, rage. It got closer and closer to the wall, but didn't seem to sense the danger in its way. 

When it collided, the monster's face contorted in a way that Peter never thought he would see. It seemed to be in pain for the first time that he could remember. When he had fought it before, it was more of an unbeatable force that he desperately tried to escape from, but it seemed more vulnerable suddenly. That scared Peter more than anything. What could make this gargantuan physical force feel pain?

It roared and convulsed, but whatever force was acting on the monster slowly started breaking it down. Its shape seemed to contort and dissolve on itself, tearing it apart. Peter couldn't even describe what happened to, other than the creature seemed to cease to exist. 

Peter was wide eyed in the face of that, and did his best with his injured body to orient himself in the middle of the path he was taking. The images continued to passing by him, but a place appeared in his view that was familiar to him. A giant golden web showed up in a dark room, and a recognisable figure was seen in the middle. A red gilded mask covered the being's entire face, while he wore a blue suit on top of a white shirt and black vest on his upper half. The lower half seemed to be entirely comprised of a golden mechanical spider's thorax, complete with the legs.

 The lower half seemed to be entirely comprised of a golden mechanical spider's thorax, complete with the legs

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"Go now, with the blessing of the Web, Peter Parker. Be happy," a voice echoed through his head. Before Peter could respond, the Master Weaver too disappeared from his field of vision.

As he tumbled through the multiverse, he felt a foreign presence in his mind.

"I told you, I'll always win, arachnid," came the sinister voice he hated more than anyone else in the world right now. If asked who his most hated enemy was, it would fluctuate between Norman Osborn and Otto Octavius depending on when he was asked. At this moment, Dr Octopus took the cake, and hearing him just made Peter angrier.

'Dying today?' he thought. 'Screw that. I'm gonna show Otto one more time what it means to be Spider-Man.'

He felt the assault on his senses as Otto once again attacked, seeking to possess his body once more.

'Not today, ole' buddy ole' pal," he taunted. 'This is my body, my life, and you will never ruin it for me again!'

The pressure in his mind seemed to split his head in two. Inside his mind, he could visualise a physical fight with his hated nemesis. Peter swung hard at Otto, not holding back his strength like he used to. Otto fought back like a wounded animal, but Peter's unbreakable willpower proved stronger than ever. Even beaten up and put down by everyone he knew, even gravely wounded against an unstoppable enemy, he still fought with everything he had to end him once and for all.

Otto's metal tentacles crumbled beneath Peter's rage. The arms provided no shielding or cover, and pushed him further and further back. Spider-Man was a savage animal, punching and kicking with no technique, but each blow hit Otto, again, and again, and again, until finally, Otto lay defeated on the floor.

"NOOOOO!" he howled as his body disappeared into the wind. Peter had a moment of rest, before his mind was once again assaulted, but this time not maliciously.

All of Otto's memories, intellect, and experiences filtered themselves into Peter's brain. It fundamentally changed the way his personality worked, but Peter's core character never wavered. This was no Superior Spider-Man, but rather the reverse. Peter's intelligence went up multifold with Otto's thoughts, and he could actually feel his brain thinking faster.

When Peter refocused on his surroundings, he saw the glowing lines of webbing flowing into his hands from the sides of the wormhole. His hands flickered for a moment with blue electricity, reminiscent of Miles' venom blasts, while three bone claws crawled out his left hand knuckles. He could smell the chemical toxin on them, letting him know they were coated with a paralytic much like his 'brother' Kaine's.

He also felt his wounds regenerating rapidly. The shattered ribcage in his chest swiftly put itself back together, and his spine repositioned itself correctly in a few seconds. This regeneration could rival Logan's or Wade's. Not only that, but he could feel the sudden increase in strength in his limbs and muscles. They were leaner and more compact than they already were, which is a feat in itself. Peter's arms faded out of view for a second, showing that venom blasts were not the only thing he gained from Miles.

By far the most noticeable change, however, was the sudden increase in his Spider-Sense. By far his most useful power, he could feel its range and sensitivity increase a hundredfold, or maybe more. This, on top of the sensory increase he gained, made him more powerful than ever.

He could feel the ride slowing down. He could make out some images, that stuck to his mind. One of them was the giant golden wall he passed through. It appeared to have various bodies stuck to it. Another was a giant planet with a weird green symbol through it, one with a ball and two straight lines above and below it.

Finally, he felt that he was arriving at his destination. He emerged into a universe, and tumbled through in what appeared to be an astral body, before hurtling in the direction of a particular blue planet.


In a hospital in Gotham City, a young boy lay in a private room connected to various monitors. A brilliant golden light shone down on his body, and he started hovering in the air. Small thread like lights started entangling the boy, until, eventually, not a hint of his skin was shown. All that was visible was a mass of golden webbing.

After what seemed like years, the webbing faded away as if it never existed, and the boy, who was declared brain-dead earlier that day, and was sentenced to death the next, that boy opened his eyes. They were glowing gold.


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