Science Time

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Earth 616

Present Day

"No, you idiot! The cross-temporal adjuster goes next to the cooling fan, not the heating plate!" a shrill shout echoed through the lab. "Are you completely brain damaged?!"

"Hey!" came a loud reply. "Why don't you do this yourself if you're so smart, huh? Oh, I know! It's because you're tiny, midget! So shut up and let me concentrate!"

The higher toned voice gasped, before a smack of flesh on flesh was heard and a cry of pain rose up.

"Don't hit me!" the deeper voice yelled.

"Then don't be mean, Franklin!" the female shouted.

"Oh, you weren't mean when you called me brain damaged?" Franklin shot back. "I see, it's only mean if I call you something. How's that fair?"

"Because I'm the youngest," his younger sister replied smugly. 

Franklin humphed in annoyance, before returning to his laborious task. He slowly pushed the adjuster into the correct place, before sighing in relief when it slotted in.

"There," he panted. "What else?"

Both Franklin and Valeria had been working continuously for the past two weeks to build an inter-dimensional transporter. They had overheard a conversation between Captain America and Madame Web, which revealed some previously unknown information. It turned out that their Uncle Peter was actually alive, and living in another dimension. Both of the blond siblings were outraged. How could they hide this from them!

Peter had been their anchor for a long time. Their parents had been famous superheroes/scientists, and often times they weren't available, or caught up in some life-threatening danger. In the interim, Peter had been their most frequent babysitter, and had grown to love them like his own. Likewise, they too loved him like a father. 

Reed Richards, to no one's surprise, wasn't exactly the greatest father. He tried, he really did, but he was famously socially awkward, and had no idea how to interact with his children. Even though he made sure to spend some time with Valeria when he discovered that she had inherited his genius, it still wasn't enough to bridge the ever-widening chasm between them. Seeing the abject failure that was his attempts at connecting with his kids, he retreated into his safe space, his lab, and rarely ever came out.

Susan Richards was therefore thrust with almost the entirety of the child rearing responsibilities. Johnny was too interested in partying and women to be of any help, while Ben was too concerned that his rocky form would harm the kids, and did his best to minimise his time with them in fear of hurting them. He loved them like an uncle, but was terrified of getting close to them.

Thus, Susan had no other recourse but to call their friends for help. Peter was always ready and willing to take care of the kids. Even when his own life was in shambles, he would, without fail, make time for the kids, and the rest of the team that he saw as his own family. Thus, the two little ones, plus Susan herself, started to see Peter as a family member. For the kids, he was almost their dad, while for Susan, something else.

It came as no surprise that, after hearing the conversation between the two elder heroes, Franklin and Valeria decided to find their uncle. It had devastated them to hear about his death. While his actions during the body-jacking incident had soured some of their relations, he was still someone they loved. And, at the funeral, when it was revealed that the 'Superior' Spider-Man wasn't their Uncle Peter, they threw a fit. Valeria locked herself in her lab, a move reminiscent of her biological father, while Franklin retreated from everyone, snapping at any and everything that moved. The tower sometimes shook all night when Franklin vented his rage through his powers.

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