Clash of the Heroes

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15 Years Ago

Earth Prime

"Why I'm here is none of your concern," Batman growled at the other man. He was especially annoyed with the intervention of the red, black, and gold vigilante. Batman didn't know very much about the web slinger, but he was paranoid by nature, and didn't trust anyone.

"See, that's kind of a problem, because this isn't Gotham," The Spider retorted. "This is New York City, my city, and you're trespassing."

Batman just snarled.

"Now," The Spider appeased, putting his hands up as if to calm the man, "if you're looking for a bad guy of some kind, I can help. That's what I do. But I won't be giving you free run of-"

"You won't be giving me anything," Batman declared. His hand moved like a blur and a batarang shot out of his cape towards the local vigilante.

Peter's Spider-sense had already detected it, though, so he rolled to the side and shot a web at his father.

Batman shot his grappling hook towards Peter, cutting through the web in mid air and grabbing onto The Spider. He yanked it backwards, pulling Peter towards him. Peter managed to orient himself in midair, and kicked Batman in the chest, sending him flying into the wall. Suddenly, Peter's spider-sense started buzzing again, and he looked down to see some blue glowing goo on the floor. 

The goo exploded, sending Peter vaulting backwards. Peter landed in his signature crouch, ready for anything. Just in time as well, because Batman came lunging out of the smoke with his leg aimed straight at Peter's face. Peter grabbed the leg out of the air and slammed it down over his shoulder, bringing the Gothamite to the floor, but he summersaulted into a crouch.

The two men stared at each other with narrowed eyes, acknowledging each other as skilled opponents.

Batman started the volley, swinging a fist at The Spider's face. Peter deflected the blow with his forearm, doing the same for the next three consecutive punches, before launching a side kick towards Bruce. Batman leaned back under the leg, before sending a punch at Peter's unprotected back when he turned, only for Peter to flip over the blow and Bruce himself. In midair, he gripped and squeezed Bruce's shoulder, sending a weak version of his venom blast at him.

Bruce, even though he was protected by his extensive armour, didn't have a defence against an attack that struck his nervous system. He shouted out in pain, collapsing to his knees. Peter quickly fired an impact web at Bruce's back, sending him flying face first to the wall. Bruce was suspended there, and paralysed, feeling helpless for the first time.

"Why'd you have to do this, man?" Peter whined. "I was willing to negotiate with you, work with you. I have great respect for you, Batman, but you just attacked right off the bat, pun intended."

"I don't have any sympathy for freaks dressed like clowns," Bruce growled. "You may not be a bad guy, yet, but you better stop pretending to be a hero."

"A hero?" Peter asked incredulously. "Like you? You're a sociopathic vigilante, Batman, someone who is the last person that gets to judge me, or do you think I don't know about the conditions of the criminals you put away?"

"They deserved it. As for you, you're enhanced, and a threat. I deal with threats by putting them away."

"So, let me get this straight," Peter sputtered. "You don't like meta-humans?"

"They're dangerous," he said brusquely. "You're dangerous! What happens if you decide to stop helping people tomorrow? Who's gonna stop you?"

"I won't," Peter declared.

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