Reunited Part 2

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Earth Prime

Present Day

"Hello, there," Superman called out firmly towards the redheaded young woman who'd somehow managed to breach the Watchtower's security and enter the restricted space station. "How did you get in here?"

"Would you believe me if I said that a multiversal god managed to teleport me here?" Hope replied slowly, wincing at her tone.

"I would," Clark assured her, seeing her discomfort. "But we'd need to ensure that you're telling the truth."

"How do you wanna do that?" Hope asked curiously, though her body was tense. She was ready to bolt at the slightest provocation.

This time, Diana stepped forward to answer the question, knowing that the girl was scared and disoriented. If Bruce was here, he'd have already taken her down before interrogation, but both Diana and Clark were much kinder, even if they were unsure as to the girl's intentions.

"I have a lasso," Diana answered, gesturing to her hip, where the glowing rope hung from her belt. "As long as one touches it, they find it unable to lie. If you will simply hold the rope when answering questions, it will go a long way in assuaging our doubts, young lady."

"I-okay," Hope agreed hesitantly. She didn't really know if the strangely dressed people in front of her were heroes, villains, or simply dedicated cosplayers (though that was looking increasingly unlikely). Despite that, the kindness they were showing her proved that she could at least trust them on the surface.

She slowly reached out and grasped the offered rope, feeling a strange feeling flowing through her.

"What is your name?" Hawkwoman asked her.

"Hope Summers," Hope answered, feeling the words come out of her mouth without her consent. "Whoa, that feels weird."

"It does," Diana agreed, chuckling slightly at the familiar reaction.

"Hello, Hope, I'm Superman," Superman cut in, smiling at her. "Again, how did you get to this place?"

"A multiversal observer known as Karn opened a portal between multiverses and sent me, along with four others, here," Hope told him, making the eyes of Clark and Diana widen, while the rest frowned in confusion. 

"Did she just say portal between multiverses?" Barry murmured to Dinah, who simply nodded. "Okay, just checking."

"There are other multiverses apart from this one?" John Stewart asked her, as well as Superman and Wonder Woman, seeing how they paled.

"There are," Hope answered, being forced to talk because of her grip on the rope. "This multiverse is a reflection of mine, formed by a woman named Shathra, while mine was by her sister, Neith. The barriers were sealed away, with the Weaver, Karn, managing the divisions."

"And how do you know about this?" Zatanna asked the two legendary heroes.

Clark and Diana shared a look, before turning back to the magician. "Because we know someone from a different multiverse."

"Who?" Barry wondered.

"The Spider," Diana breathed out after a deep sigh, knowing that Peter was going to be furious at her.

"He's from a different multiverse?" Dinah muttered, but her question was drowned out by Hope's exclamation.

"You know where he is?" she asked excitedly.

The rest turned to her in confusion, but Hope could see Superman and the armored woman have an understanding in their eyes, and they subtly became colder and more tense.

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