Hidden Truths

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15 Years Ago

Earth Prime

The conversation with Alice was difficult for the both of them. Alice started off screaming at him for being so irresponsible, for risking his life every day and night, while Peter was trying, and failing, to calm her down. He had dealt with similar conversations when his old friends and family, like MJ and Carlie, had discovered the truth about what he did every evening.

He knew that Alice was simply worried about him, but that didn't make her any less terrifying when she was angry. Eventually though, he managed to calm her down to a level where she started listening to what he was saying.

"Don't you understand?" she asked tearfully, looking at his regretful expression. "When I took this job, that's all this was, a job. But now, it's more than that. I know it's only been about six months, but I've grown attached to you, sir."

"I know, Alice," Peter sighed. "I've grown attached to you too."

"Then you must understand why you can't do this anymore!" she cried. "You'll get hurt, or worse!"

"Alice," Peter spoke, approaching and hugging her. "I know the risks. I know what it takes. But if there's even one life I can save, one person I can help, by going out there in a skintight costume, then I owe it to the world to do this. It's my responsibility."

Alice quickly broke the hug and grabbed his face with her hands. "But what about you?" she asked mournfully.

"I'll be safe," he nodded. "And more importantly, the city'll be safe." He moved back and looked out the window. Luckily he had changed earlier, or the entire city would be greeted by the view of an unmasked Spider. "Things are changing from now on, Alice. That accelerator, when it exploded, it released an untold amount of energy into the city. Those guys I fought earlier, they were mutated and given abilities by the wave. Chances are that others also were affected, and they have powers now too. Which means that this city suddenly became home to a lot of dangerous people, with uncontrollable abilities. It needs The Spider now more than ever."

Alice sat in her chair, stiff from shock for a while after the revelations made, when suddenly she jumped up and approached him.

"Alright," she said reluctantly. "Alright. I don't like it. Not in the least, but you have a point. You're a symbol of hope to the city, and you're right. You do help people. But from now on, I'm going to be helping you."

Peter whirled around. "Helping me? How?"

Alice tossed her hair and cocked her hips, looking at him with deadpan eyes. "Sir, I'm a formal marine. My skills is one of the reasons that Alfred hired me. I will be training you."

"Um, okay," Peter replied hesitantly.

"Good," she finished briskly. "Now, I do believe that you're friends should be waking up any time so-"

A phone ringing cut her off. Peter dug into his pockets and quickly answered his mobile.

"Hello?" he greeted.

"Mr Parker?" came the voice from the device. "My name is Charlize. I'm calling from Metro General."

"Yes?" he inquired.

"You're friends have woken up, sir. Mr Michaels is fine, if a little dazed, but Ms McCormack seems to be suffering from some sort of sensory overload. We're yet unable to diagnose it."

"I'm on my way."


Peter and Alice hurried into the lobby of the hospital before the crack of dawn. After quickly getting the information at the desk, he rushed upstairs to his friends. Both Alex and Allison were lying on their beds, clutching their heads in pain. Surrounding them were several doctors and nurses, who clearly had no idea what was happening. 

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