Reunited Part 3

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Earth Prime

Present Day

"Why are you here, Anya?" Peter asked sternly. His voice and face were blank, revealing nothing of the inner thoughts he had swirling inside him.

"Peter, I-I," Anya didn't know how to talk to her former mentor and friend, the one who'd taught her everything she knew about doing what's right. Sure, Jessica was her mentor in the field, but it was Peter's morals and values that kept her going out every day, even now. 

"I believe he asked you a question," Selina snapped, her voice tight with fury. "For the sake of your continued health, I would suggest you answer it."

"Mom," Peter cut in. "Calm down. It's alright. I'm sure Anya isn't here to pick a fight." He looked pleadingly at his mother, who settled down, while Karen, sitting next to her, didn't stop her glare. The tall, muscular woman's hate filled scowl did little to ease Anya's anxiousness, but she soldiered on.

"I just wanted to see you," Anya answered, her voice weaker than she wished.

"Did you?" Peter raised a disbelieving eyebrow. "Somehow, I find myself not believing you."

Anya was once again taken aback by his strange speech patterns: he was much more refined and serious than she was used to. Peter was always quick with a quip or joke, even in tense situations, much to everyone else's annoyance. 

"It's true!" Anya protested. "I'm just here to find out whether you're okay!"

"Not full truth," Cass cut in, staring holes into Anya's head. "Part true, but not full." Cass, due to her unique childhood, understood body language as fluently as everyone else understood English. Reading the tells on Anya's body was a piece of cake for her.

Peter nodded, his enhanced hearing allowing him to hear the increase in Anya's heartbeat much like Daredevil or Superman. His expression didn't change at all, but the rest of them narrowed their eyes on the hapless teen vigilante.

"Tt," Damian clicked his tongue. "Answer the question truthfully, girl. You're very presence is an insult to my brother. At least have the courtesy to not lie."

"First of all," Anya latched onto the nearest possible topic, camouflaging her unease with indignation. "Don't call me girl. You're actually younger than me, kid. Who do you-" the stern expression on Peter's face stopped her in her tracks.

Peter sighed audibly through his nose. "I don't want to ask again, Anya," he opened his eyes, pinning her down on the couch with his stare. His golden eyes seemed to bore into her very soul. 

"Oh, this is ridiculous!" Helena snapped. "Why aren't we just throwing her into the dungeons, or the cells in the Watchtower! She's clearly not being very cooperative!"

"I completely agree with the grumpy cat," Steph chimed in, her perpetually perky expression for once not found. "Get her out of the house."

"No, wait wait!" Anya hurried to stop them, waving her arms frantically. "I'll answer, I promise."

"We're waiting," Dick said, his voice carefully neutral. 

"Okay, Peter," Anya abandoned the futile task of looking at everybody, and instead focused on her old friend. "The truth is, I'm also here because we need your help."

This prompted a chorus of shouts and growls from the others, who were aghast at the shameless display of entitlement. Cass's eyes narrowed dangerously, the only sign of rage from the normally calm girl. Steph actually snarled, something Damian and Helena mirrored. Barbara, usually the most composed, bared her teeth, while cheerful Dick clenched his fists, something Bruce mimicked. Jason and Tim started shouting incoherently, while Karen stood up, followed by Selina, intending to march over to the girl, when Peter cleared his throat deliberately.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05 ⏰

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