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It's been 3 weeks sense the whole incident and I haven't went to work sense. I got a call from Jeff saying they needed me. I walk onto set and see everyone there.

"Hey I'm sorry I haven't been here"

"It's ok but we saw your video and we wanted to have you meet a friend of mine" I furrow my bros confused and they bring out a lady. "Hi I'm sarah a studio worker and me and my boss would love to hear what your all about your song is trending on YouTube and we wanted to know if you would like to come sing for us"

My eyes widen I didn't know my song was blowing up. "Yea ofc when"

"a week from today" I nod and smile. "Alright we'll I have to go bye Jeff nice meeting everyone and see you next week ms.Sinclair"

"See you next week" she walks out and everyone runs over to me. "When you get big big you better not forget me" holland says. "Of course not why would i do that"

"Because your gonna be the new pop sensation and all because you wrote a song about Dylan" everyone's mouths drop. "That songs about Dylan" everyone was asking. "I uh Holland seriously"

"Sorry" I see someone walk in and when I look it's Dylan. He looks at me with sadness in his eyes. I shake my head and turn. "Ellie wait" Tyler yells.

"What!" I groan. "Is it really about Dylan"

"Maybe why does it matter it's just a song"

"That's ten minutes long"

"So?" I look at him and he looks down then scoffs.

"Ellie I love you and all but if I had to choose between you and Dylan I'd choose Dylan" I look at him like he's crazy. "What"

"Listen the songs amazing and all but you and dylan never dated you shouldn't be writing a song saying how much you love or loved him when you barley knew the guy"

I laugh before crossing my arms.

"Actually Tyler I've known him a lot longer then you and we did date in highschool when I wrote the damn song after he broke my heart and right after he took my virginity to and him coming back into my life wasn't easy for me so learn somethings about your best friend before saying shit because he broke my heart more then anyone could worse then anything any guys done to me because I loved him so much I let him use my body so you know what fuck you and your friends I don't want to be your friend anyways" at this point I was tearing up.

I look behind him and see everyone staring at me. I shove Tyler and walk towards jeff.

"Jeff thank you for this amazing opportunity but I think it's time I leave the show but you'll always be my favorite producer" I start walking away to my trailer to get my things.

"Ellie wait" Jeff yells. "Don't leave we all love you"

"Well recently your cast hasn't shown it except for Holland and crystal so I'm just gonna go I'll pack up and leave now but thanks for having me"

I walk away to my trailer and 1 hour later I'm packed and walking to my car with a box of my personal belongings. "Ellie?" I hear someone say. I look and see Daniel. "Hey Daniel I'm just leaving now"


"Your costars don't like me anymore"

"Oh well your still my favorite" I smile at him and hug him. "Thanks danny your always gonna be my favorite beta" we laugh as I realize the time. "Talk to you later I gotta go but tell crystal and Holland and Jeff I love them"

"Will do Els" we hug one last time before I get in my car and leave.


I get home and I see Eric. I try not to be seen but that doesn't work. "Ellie?" Shit.

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