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I'm texting Holland as I'm on my way to set.  As I pull up I see Dylan walking to the set. I close my eyes and breathe. I haven't seen him in months. He's messaged me everyday though.

Hey Ellie you might not respond but just a reminder I love you

Hey Ellie I'm in love with you

I hope your day is going good but I love you always and forever you've infected my heart in the best way possible

I miss you ellie

Come back to me

I love you

Everyday it's something new or the same thing.

I park my car and get out. I grab my purse and walk inside. Once I walk inside I see a girl hugging Dylan. Britt Robinson. I heard rumors they were dating but I didn't want to believe it. I walk past them and head to my trailer.

Once I'm in I get a FaceTime call from mark.

"Hey babe" he says smiling to the camera. "Hey mark"

"Where you at?"

"The set of teen wolf" right when I say that posey, Holland, crystal walk in.

"Hey guys!" I smile as they walk in. "Hey El!" Crystal says hugging me.

"Hey crystal!"

She looks at my phone and then me. "Who's he"

"Uh this is my uh-"

"I'm her boyfriend mark"


"Ok mark I gotta go I'll talk to you later"

"Ok bye babe I love you!"

I hang up and sigh. I fall back on the couch. "He's not my boyfriend" I state to crystal Holland and Tyler.

"But he just said he was" Tyler scowls. Me and him have been on and off sense me and Dylan broke up one day we're friends next he hates me.

"He wants to be Ive told him no so many times"

Holland nods knowing I've talked abt it a lot.

"Why don't you give him a chance your single" crystal asked. I shake my head.

"I'm not into him like that and you know why I don't wanna get with someone new"

Tyler sighs and mumbles something. "What was that posey" I ask.

"If he can move on you can actually Britt is here now she's awsome you guys should meet her he's had her over for dinner like almost every night" I look at him. He can't be serious.

"Guys I'm gonna go get ready to start shooting" I say as I get up and try to walk out

"We don't start shooting for another day todays the day we get back with everyone and table read" posey said. Right. I fall back on my little couch and sigh. "Well then todays just great"

I feel sick to my stomach and I want to cry. "I can't be here today I'm sorry guys" right when I stand up I bend over my trash can and puke.

Once I'm done I fall to the floor. "El you ok" I shake my head. Personally I'm not ok I feel like shit the love of my life moved on and I'm 3 months pregnant. I found out the day after I broke things off with Dylan. I'm scared to tell him though.

"Marks a good guy should I give him a shot Holland"

She shrugs and kneels down. Everyone else leaves the room but her. "Holland I gotta tell you a secret" she nods and pays full attention to me. "I'm 3 months pregnant with Dylan's baby and I'm scared to tell him"

She looks at me shocked.

"What are you gonna do" I shrug and smile. "No clue raise it for sure but I can't tell Dylan"

"Why not"

"Because he's with someone I can't I just can't"

A knock at my door comes and Jeff opens it up. "Table reading in 5" I smile. "Alright"

I get up and me and Holland walk out.


I'm sitting at the table and sense my character is a dating stiles I have to sit by Dylan. I hold my stomach and I notice Holland looking at me. "What" I mouth. She shakes her head and stops looking.

"Ok so this season we're going to be doing a lot there's gonna be a dead pool and we have a suprise for everyone our one and only kate argent is back"

Everyone but me cheers. I can't speak if I do I'm gonna throw up.

Holland looks at me and gets me a trash can. I smile and right then I throw up.

Once I'm done everyone looks at me. I smile awkwardly and Jeff gets up. "Ellie go home ok" I shake my head. "No"

"Ellie your sick go home" he says and I nod. I get up and Holland goes with me. "I'll help her" he nods and we walk to grab my stuff. "Alright ellie go home and keep this baby healthy" I smile and grab my stuff. "Hol please don't tell anyone especially not Dylan ok" she nods and smiles at me. "I promise"


I'm sitting in my room when someone knocks on the door. "Come in"

The door opens and mark appears. "Hey" he says.

"Hey" I smile. I haven't told him about the baby because I don't know if I should tell Dylan or not. "Ok ellie can I ask you something"

I nod and smile. "Are we dating" I think about what posey said for a second. Dylan moved on so why can't I? I smile and nod my head. "But mark im pregnant with Dylan's baby"

His eyes go wide. "Does he know" I shake my head and he smiles. "Then it's not his"

I look confused for a second before realizing what he means. If I don't tell Dylan the baby could be someone else's.

"Yea ok"


I wake up and I see mark next to me. I can't believe he thinks that I'm gonna lie to my child. Dylan won't know but this baby is gonna know that mark isn't their dad.

Hey so this is the last chapter before the time jump the time is gonna be 3 years later and there's still gonna be more drama...

What do you guys think of mark, and more brooklyn and Joe coming up!!!

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