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I wake up to screaming and crying. I run to Emmy's room to see a guy in a black mask strangling her. "EMMY" I run and try to fight the guy but they take the mask off.

"Ethan?" He stabs Emmy than walks over to me. "Please no please!" I scream.

I wake up gasping for air. Dylan sits up right away with me and looks at me. "Hey Ellie" he rubs my shoulders. "Just a nightmare that's all" she lays back down and so does he.

He starts kissing her neck and then rolls her over. "Dylan what are you-" he starts taking off her pants. "Dyl not right now" he doesn't listen and without a protection shoves himself into her making her cry. "Dylan please"

He puts tape on her mouth. He grips her hands above her head and keeps trusting inside of her until he comes. Once he finishes he lays down next to her and reaches over his side to grab something. Ellie's eyes go wide as she sees a knife stab striaght into her stomach.

I wakes up gasping and fall off the bed crawling away from Dylan. He wakes up to see me on the floor.

"El?" He asks. I keel moving away from him until my back is against the door. "Ellie it's me what's wrong"

"Get away!" I scream. He kneels in front me and try's to grab my hand. "NO GO AWAY!" I scream again. I keep kicking until I can't. "El it's me it's Dylan"

I start sobbing. "Please don't rape me" I mumble. He looks hurt. "El why would I ever hurt you"

"Cause I had a dream where you raped me and then stabbed me" I cry. He wraps his arms around my body. I cuddle into his chest and cry. "I'm never gonna hurt you I promise"

I cry even more. To even think he could ever rape or stab me. He's always been there for me and for Emmy. He's always been the only guy I've felt safe with. Come on ellie I'm 28 years old I can't force him away any longer, he's been here all along. He's never left me why should I give up on him.

"Dyl" I mumble into his shirt.

"Yea" he whispers into my ear. "I love you" I cry. His grip tightens around me as he picks me up. He carries me to the bed and lays me down. He sits next to me watching me. "I love you" he leans down and kisses my forehead before laying down and wrapping his arm across me.

I think back to all the times he was there for me. He saved me from my crazy exes, he's beat up multiple of my highschool boyfriends that lasted a couple weeks before I got with him.

He was the reason my bullies stopped bullying me. God I mean he's the reason I was happy.

I think about the times we had.


"Dylan!" I yell. I see him running down the street towards me. We hug and I punch his arm. "How could you" I pout. He hugs me again and I laugh. "I'm sorry blame my sister she wanted McDonald's" he says. He holds up a bag and smiles. "So I got you some"

I smile and take the bag. "Your favorite too"

I laugh and hug him. I kiss him on the cheek and smile. "Your the best 8 year old ever!" I squeal. We run inside and watch tv and play games for hours.


Another flashback.

"Mom hurry up I want to look good it's my first homecoming and I wanna look good for Dylan" she laughs. "Is he your date"

"No but we all know I have a huge crush on him and we're taking pictures together and then hes driving us" she rolls her eyes. "Alright I'm done" I look in the mirror to see my hair done in tight curls half up half down and my makeup natural but pretty along with my dark red right dress and black heels.

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