New york pt 1

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I woke up and turned over. I forgot Dylan was here. I smile as he lays there sleeping. I close my eyes when I feel something around my waist. I look and see Dylan laying on me. I giggle and he opens his eyes. "Sorry" I whisper. "You looked cute I didn't want to wake you" I mumble.

"I've been awake for 20 minutes trust me you weren't gonna wake me up" I smile. He moves to sit up. Now sitting on legs. "What do you wanna do today love?" He asked. "Love?" I questioned. "Yea now what do you wanna do"

"What if we stayed in bed all day" I said and he smirked. "And do what?" He said through his voice. "Watch movies, cuddle, makeout, sleep, watch movies" I say and he nods his head up and down multiple times.

"Ok come on we can do one of those things now and I don't feel like sleeping" I said and after I said that he instantly puts his lips on mine. My hands go his hair as his hands go to the side of my head to keep him from falling on me. I flip is over and now I'm straddling his waist. I kiss him and move to his jaw. He groans a bit and I suck on his neck where his sweet spots are. "Mmm" he moans. I pull away and stare at him. I sit up but I feel something hard under me. "Dylan?" He looks at me. "Your thing needs to get under control"

"Sorry baby I just couldn't control it your so god damn amazing" I smile and lean and kiss him again. "Also I love you too Dyl" I fall down on the bed next to him and we cuddle. "Ellie what are we?" He asks. "What do you mean?"

"Well yesterday before you can here you hated me but we both are here you don't want me leaving your side I understand but we're cuddling you told me you love me to and we just made out" I think of what he's saying for a second before speaking. "Well what do you want to be"

"Yours" he kisses my cheek after saying that. "Then ask now come on let's get up I'm bored"

"I thought you wanted to stay in bed all day?"

"I did but I got bored" he looks offended and falls down like he died. I jumped on him and looked into his eyes. "Not of you but just I want to go out and do something with you" he kisses me and we get up and ready for the day. His family was staying here for Christmas thank god so I don't have to steal Dyl from them.

He goes to leave the room but I stop him. "Dylan I don't wanna be alone for even a second" he nods and just sits back on my bed. I grab some clothes and I quickly change. I go to do my makeup when Dylan picks me up. "You don't need that beautiful" 
I look at him for a couple seconds. "I'm getting some deja vu" I say remembering when he last said that to me.


Me and Dylan were going out to dinner. He was at my house and I was putting my makeup on when he gets up and turns my chair. "You don't need that shit your beautiful" I smile while his hands on my face. "But only you need to see my real beauty" he smirks and kisses my lips "still" I smile continuing what I was doing.

*flashback over*

"Well only my real friends can see my real beauty and their not here" he frowns and walks to my door. "Dylan where are you going"

"Oh I thought my opinion didn't matter" I stand up and walk over to him. I wrap my arms around his neck and lean up to whisper something. "Your opinion means everything to me babe" his eyes widen as I say those words.

"Let's go" I say I grab his hand and we walk out. I see Julie and their family and my family all in the living room. "Mom me and Dylan are going out for the day!" I yell and they all look at us. "So are you two back together?" Julie asks. I look at Dylan and he looks at me. "Nope but it's ok he's getting somewhere" I say and he looks at me confused. "Finally" she says I laugh til I see my uncle coming from upstairs. (Her mom has a penthouse) I mumble something only me and Dylan could hear and Dylan takes my hand and his hand and wraps his arm around me while holding my hand. I look at him and kiss his cheek.

"Morning my sweet niece" my uncle says. "Dylan let's go" I ignore my uncle walking to the door. I feel something touch my ass I turn to see my uncle. Dylan punches him and grabs my arm and we leave.


"Dylan I'm cold" I complain as we're walking. "Why didn't you wear a coat?"

"I forgot" I shrug and smile. He hands me his coat and rubs me back. "Dylan it's beautiful here" he looks down at me as I'm looking at New York from the bench we decided to sit at. "The view is beautiful" he mumbled still staring at me. I look at him and he looks at me. "Ellie wanna be my girlfriend" he said. I look at him shocked. "I-uhhh" he soon stops me from talking by cutting me off. "Sorry I shouldn't of asked I'm such and idiot of course your saying no"
He removed his arm from my back and just sits there. "Dylan?"


"Look at me" he put his head up and I smash my lips onto his I pull away holding his face. His eyes are closed and I smile. "Yes I will be your girlfriend" he looks at me then smiles. "Wanna go home" I nod and we get up and walk back.

"Did Tyler move out of your guys house?" I ask. "Uh no he's just been staying at his new girlfriends house" I nod understanding and we walk inside.


"Dinner!" My mom yells. It's 2 days til Christmas I'm so excited. I walk out with dylan and we sit next to each other. Julie sits next to me and I smile at her. I see my uncle walk in and go to where dylan was sitting. He's in the bathroom. I put my hand on the seat but he sits on it. He puts his hand on my thigh and slowly brings its up. My breath hitched and I quickly get up and walk to the bathroom. I knock and dylan opens it. I push him inside cause I saw my uncle coming this way. "He touched me again Dyl" he got angry quick. "I'm sorry baby from now on til we leave your never leaving my sight. I smile and hug him. "Thank you dylan I love you so much" he rubs my back and kisses me.

"Let's go out there" I nod and I go to see my dad Julie and my uncle arguing. "Listen mr.Sinclair I saw him touching her I swear!"

"LIAR!" My uncle screams. "You let a man who raped your daughter back into a house to stay under the same roof that your daughter is in!" Julie yelled. "HE NEVER RAPED HER SHE WANTED ATTENTION!" I tried to not cry but my mom and mrs.obrien saw me and they took me to my room as I had Dylan's hand. I sit on my bed and started crying. I feel someone's hand on my leg and I flinch. "Baby it's me it's dylan" I look up to see him and I purse my lips in a tight smile.

"He doesn't believe her Dyl he never even believed me" I said. He pulled me onto his lap as I cried while he brushed his hand through my hair. My door opens and my dad comes in. "ELLIE TELL THEM YOU LIED" my dad yell. I shake my head as I sit up. My dad comes up to me. "Tell then you lied or I swear you'll regret it" at this point everyone was in my room and dylan Julie and my mom were glaring at my dad. "I never lied I s-swear" at that moment he slapped me. That's when dylan got up and punched him. I started crying as the girls got me out of the room as Dylan's mom was trying to get Dylan off. I was token to Julie's room and I sat and cried as my face burned.

"Julie I want Dylan here please" she nods and leaves. She comes back seconds later with Dylan. He hugs me and I don't hug him back. "Thank you" I whisper. "I promised you no one will ever hurt you and I meant it" I smile and look at him. "I'm really tired" I say and he takes me back to my room. My mom and them were arguing in the kitchen but I went into my room and fell on the bed. "I have to shower ugh" I said. "Dylan would you wait in the bathroom while I shower?" He looks at me wide eyed. "S-sure" i get up and he follows and I go turn the hot water on.

Dylan turns around and I take off my clothes hop in and close the curtain. 10 minutes later I'm all done. "Babe close your eyes" he does what I said and I hop out and wrap a towel around me. "Ok let's go in my room" we walk in and I put on his hoodie and sweatpants. I lay on my bed and he opens his eyes. He comes closer to my bed and gets next to me. He wraps his arm around my waist and whispers in my ear. "Goodnight mi amor and I love you"

"Goodnight Dyl and I love you too" I said before drifting off to sleep.



Soooo what do you guys think. Dellie is back!! There will be more flashback scenes in the next chapter about her history with her dad and her family and memories with Dylan good ones not the bad ones.

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